Christopher John Monfort: IF He Killed Timothy Brenton…

by Brian A. Wilkins
11/7/2009 (links, photos, and videos updated December 7, 2018)

Christopher John Monfort
Mr. Christopher John Monfort

We’ll withhold judgment until all the facts come out because, obviously, police thugs lie. If Mr. Christopher John Monfort, of Tukwila, Washington, is the person who killed Seattle cop Timothy Brenton on Halloween night, then he is “an upstanding citizen” to use the words of Operation-Nation contributor Heidi Peterson. Monfort simply gave up on the justice system and took matters into his own hands.

The Seattle Times has identified Mr. Monfort as the “suspect” who killed Brenton. Mr. Monfort, 41, was … Read Entire Article

Rapping While “White” Is A Crime In Utah

by Brian A. Wilkins

Though most rap songs since about 1997 completely suck, it has not gotten bad to the point that police should issue citations to kids trying their best to exercise the microphone.

But this is what happened to Mr. Spencer Dauwalder, Mr. Gage Christensen, and several of their friends in the small town of American Fork, Utah last week. Mr. Dauwalder and his friends went to a McDonald’s drive-thru and ordered their food in the form of a rap song. The manager of the McDonalds apparently got angry and told the young men to stop holding up the line, … Read Entire Article

Seattle Cop Timothy Brenton: Collateral Damage

by Brian A. Wilkins
11/2/2009 (links, photos, and videos updated December 8, 2018)

State-run media embarrasses itself every time something like this happens. CNN and other “major mainstream media” ignore each and every story of American citizens gunned down, Tasered, raped, and/or assaulted daily by gangsters in badges. But when one of their heroes, such as Seattle cop Timothy Brenton, are gunned down by fed-up Americans who are not part of the elite class which police across the country protect – but instead terrorize – it is front-page, weeks-long news.

Seattle Cop Timothy Brenton

Brenton was killed Read Entire Article

Maricopa County Thug Cops Adam Stoddard And Francisco Campillo Steal Attorney’s Files

UPDATED 10/31/2009: Hearing Is Actually On Wednesday,November 4

Tom Liddy, the attorney for the Sheriff’s Office in this case, tried to pull the okie-doke on when he told them the hearing to determine whether thug deputy Adam Stoddard committed any crimes will take place on Thursday, November 5. According to the Superior Court website, the hearing is actually on Wednesday, November 4 at 1:30 p.m.

Meanwhile the entire surveillance video of thug Stoddard’s criminal acts are now available for viewing. Watch and see for yourself.

UPDATED 10/30/2009 3:35pm: Hearing Continued Until Thursday, November 5 For Decision

A Maricopa County Read Entire Article

Everett (WA) Police Thug Troy Meade Charged With Manslaughter

UPDATED 4/27/2010: Another Killer Cop Acquitted of Murder Charges

Did anyone expect anything different? I mean, this is the United Police States of America. Thug Meade has been on his paid vacation since murdering Mr. Niles Meservey and may now get his cop job back after the “acquittal” yesterday. How many jobs in America can you murder someone, be rewarded with a paid vacation which lasts over six months, then get your job back? I can’t think of many.

Expect Meade to kill at least one more American citizen in his cop career, and to also be found civilly … Read Entire Article

Huntington (WV) Police Thug Richard Kern And Resident Edward Crawford’s Self Defense Cases

UPDATED May 19, 2016: Huntington police thug Richard Kern, who murdered a man in 2009, being portrayed as some sort of hero on Facebook so copsuckers can worship him like a god.

UPDATED 8/20/2011: Edward Crawford found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, sentenced to six years in prison. Once again, this case shows that black people are not allowed to defend themselves in this country.

UPDATED 10/20/2009 12:32 pm: Crawford Carried His Gun Legally

In the state of West Virginia, similar to Arizona, you may carry a firearm as long as it is not concealed and as long as you Read Entire Article

Champaign (IL) Police Thugs Murder Unarmed 15-Year-Old Kiwane Carrington

by Brian A. Wilkins

The baby-faced Mr. Kiwane Carrington was only
15-years-old when he was murdered.

In yet another murder of an American citizen by police thugs –  this time a CHILD – for attempting to enter a residence he was invited to, one has to wonder if a home is really a home anymore in the USA?

Mr. Kiwane Carrington had gotten out of school early in the afternoon Friday, October 9. Similar to the Henry Louis Gates episode earlier this year, a neighbor called 911 and said Mr. Carrington and another young man were trying to burglarize the … Read Entire Article

Anant Kumar Tripati, Maricopa County’s Race-Based Justice, and My Situation

UPDATED 1/12/2010:
Arizona Dept. Of Corrections Interim Director Charles L. Ryan Trying to Murder Anant Kumar Tripati?

UPDATED 10/19/2009: Department of Corrections Denying Tripati Proper Medical Care

In an email to Operation Nation, Mr. Tripati’s daughter, Aradhna, says her dad had a heart attack last December and was rushed to an emergency room from the prison. He was given blood pressure medication upon being released from the ER, but now the prison, in their continuing efforts to kill Mr. Tripati, are now denying him that medication. Here is an excerpt from the email:

In the new year, the prison lost Read Entire Article

Stephen A. Smith Says Black Athletes Have No Morals

UPDATED 10/16/2009 Stephen A. Smith Tries To Sets The Record Straight

You can judge for yourself as to the sincerity here.


by Brian A. Wilkins
10/12/2009 (links and photos updated September 16, 2019. NOTE: interestingly this article mentions how Jason Whitlock was still a “black man” when this article was originally published in 2009. It must be noted that Whitlock is now coon #1 in sports talk television in 2019).

Stephen A. Smith (L)  and Rush Limbaugh (R)

Before I get into this, you should watch the video yourselves. Rush Limbaugh and former Madison Square Read Entire Article

Las Vegas (NV) Police Thugs Murder Unarmed Tanner Chamberlain

UPDATED November 6, 2018: Derek Colling, now a cop for Albany County (WY) Sheriff’s Office, kills Robbie Ramirez

You can’t make this stuff up. Las Vegas Police fired serial killer Colling in 2011 NOT for the murder of Tanner Chamberlain, but because Colling was also caught on tape brutally attacking Mitchell Crooks who was filming Las Vegas police when they responded to a burglary.

Ramirez, 39, was killed by Colling during a traffic stop on November 4 in Laramie, Wyoming. Albany County Sheriff David O’Malley seems to be ok with the fact he hired this lifetime thug because Colling’s former … Read Entire Article