Tempe Police Chief Tom Ryff Commits Criminal Impersonation To Defraud Resident Eleanor Holguin’s Son
by Brian A. Wilkins
ORIGINAL LINK: http://blog.operation-nation.com/2011/09/28/tempe-police-chief-tom-ryff-commits-criminal-impersonation-to-defraud-eleanor-holguins-son.aspx
“Coolo” cop Tom Ryff will no longer arrest Tempe citizens or place “hazard labels” on them in retaliation for speaking out in public forums about his frat-boy antics. He now will use his new internet cop to smear you and your family online.
A story was published on the Phoenix New Times website on September 12 entitled “Penile Hubris and Meth to Blame For Alleged Tempe Kid-Lurer Joseph Larosa’s Sexual Advances Towards Children?” The story is basically about a pedophile who was arrested for asking little girls if they wanted … Read Entire Article