Category Archives: coronavirus

PLANdemic Documentary: The Hidden Agenda censored. Watch it here.
May 7, 2020

You know when Google, Facebook, and the rest of mainstream media censor something, there is truth to it. Whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits spills all beans about quack Dr. Anthony Fauci and the rest of the Bill Gates minions set to make billions of dollars from sheeple Americans anxiously awaiting their vaccines.

RELATED: Bill Gates, Microsoft file patent for dystopian “body activity data” apparatus (April 18, 2020)

RELATED: Coronavirus: patent documents, vaccine race and countdown to war (March 20, 2020)

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Bill Gates, Microsoft file patent for dystopian “body activity data” apparatus

by Brian A. Wilkins
April 18, 2020 (updated April 21 7:30 a.m. Pacific)

Patent #WO2020060606 is described as a “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data.” Microsoft has partnered with VeriChip manufacturer Digital Angel Corporation since 2008.

REDMOND, WASHINGTON — President John F. Kennedy warned us on April 27, 1961 at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel that we’re all in danger because of a “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy.”


The great JFK opposed nuclear weapons in Israel. He also signed Executive Order 11110, authorizing the U.S. Treasury to print debt-free currency in lieu of the Federal Reserve. JFK was assassinated … Read Entire Article

Kizzmekia Corbett: Wikipedia, Twitter fast-track black vaccine researcher to relevance

by Kareem Uhuru-Banks
April 14, 2020 (updated April 18, 2020)

UPDATE April 17, 2020 – The anti-black racism of Kizzmekia Corbett has been fully exposed.

The National Institutes of Health refuses to acknowledge and address it. Instead, state-run media and government are grooming some additional, mitigating Eunice Rivers Laurie “blacks,” this time at Meharry Medical College.

We won’t be posting the NBC News link here, as it’s disinformation meant to lull impressionable black people into volunteering their bodies as guinea pigs for vaccines. It’s quite insulting that state-run media and white supremacist government believe that black faces alone … Read Entire Article

Coronavirus: COVID-19 vaccines kill seven children in Senegal immediately after given shots
April 10, 2020 (*updated April 13 at 3:00 a.m. Pacific – FOOTNOTE BELOW)

So it begins. We covered the two white imperial doctors fetishizing their demented desire to use African children as guinea pigs for vaccines. The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) strongly condemned the comments, saying this would not happen. But apparently he isn’t as powerful as he believes.

Seven children died this week after being given experimental vaccines in Senegal, according to a report by the website The website appears to be Ghana-based. The story has since been removed from the … Read Entire Article

New mainstream media narrative: coronavirus is a “black disease”

April 8, 2020 (updated April 14 at 2:00 a.m. Pacific)

Dr. Jean-Paul Mira works in the intensive care unit at the Cochin Hospital in Paris. Camille Locht is the research director of the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm). The leprous edomites appeared on French television station LCI on April 1. Mira said coronavirus vaccines should be tested on Africans “like we did in certain AIDS studies.” Locht agreed.

The response was obviously negative. Soccer players from several African nations condemned the comments. African Twitter users echoed the same sentiment – “we are not … Read Entire Article