Category Archives: Commentary

Sophia Stewart: the objective truth about the Wachowski brothers, Warner Bros. stealing The Matrix story line, characters from a Black American woman

by Brian A. Wilkins
August 26, 2023

I have great admiration and respect for Sophia Stewart. We have a lot in common. As a lifelong writer who has been plagiarized many times myself, and has challenged (and is still challenging) large corporations with bottomless cash in federal and state courts pro se, I fully understand and empathize with her plight.

Stewart has been fighting Warner Bros, James Cameron, 20th Century Fox, and those Wachowski people for three decades because they stole her work, and turned it into billion dollar movie franchises. People started searching some combination of the … Read Entire Article

#NewBlackMedia: There may be hope after all in 2020

by Kareem Banks
December 28, 2019 (updated December 29, 2019)

Operation-Nation likes to believe that we did our small part. We joined millions of black folks and eliminated the Kamala Harris presidential campaign. It was a thing of collective beauty. True black people aren’t giving Democrats votes just for placing a brown-looking face in front of us ever again (see Obama). Harris is a very cunning cop. She’s black when it’s convenient. She’s white liberal tool always.


We’ve been around since 2007. But we’re part of #NewBlackMedia.

Black liberal media are Van Jones, Don Lemon, CNN, Roland … Read Entire Article

Thanksgiving Freedom: The Creole Rebellion of 1841
November 27, 2019

White imperialist Thomas McCargo and the Johnson and Eperson Company were transporting 135 enslaved Afrikans from Virginia to New Orleans aboard the Creole in November 1841. One of the ancestors onboard was Madison Washington. He escaped imperial slavery and fled to Canada a year earlier. But Washington returned to Virginia in search of his wife. He was re-captured, placed on the Creole, and was on his way to perpetual slavery. Brother Washington’s fighting spirit wasn’t having it.

Washington led 18 other brothers on an all-out mutiny aboard the ship. They killed at least one white imperialist … Read Entire Article

Brett Kavanaugh: #MeToo agenda continues revealing it’s true motives

by Annabeth Milosevic
September 15, 2019

Brett Kavanaugh

The United States is the world’s subterfuge capital. Granted every Western country has some degree of mass deceit, lies and manipulation disseminated by it’s government, media and Israel. But we’ve reached the slums of the twilight zone in the “land of the free.”

New accusations against Kavanaugh

The New York Times published a story yesterday after a 10-month investigation into U.S. Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh. According to the story, Kavanaugh “pulled down his pants and thrust his penis at her, prompting her to swat it away and inadvertently touch it.” The … Read Entire Article

Jemele Hill Atlantic article dangerously close to plagiarism

by Brian A. Wilkins
September 10, 2019 (updated September 11, 2019 at 4:31 a.m. Pacific. REFRESH PAGE)

God bless Jemele Hill. It’s rare these days for black people to use their platforms to convey black-targeted messages. You’re not allowed to tell truth in “mainstream” media these days as a black man or woman.

Ms. Hill gained my respect (despite wide differences in our overall world viewpoints) when she made the obvious observation that Donald Trump is a racist POS while she was employed by ESPN. She also called for Dallas Cowboy fans to boycott the team’s advertisers after … Read Entire Article

Work is literally killing people

by Kareem Banks
May 29, 2019

It’s easy for Americans to parrot reports about sweatshops in China, slave wages in Mexico, and deaths at diamond mines in South Africa. The United States is seen as a standard-bearer for work conditions in the world, particularly since the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 created a federal minimum wage, overtime pay, and strict rules for child labor. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was established in 1970 and further solidified this reputation. But the reality is that American workers are placing themselves in harms way due to a ruthless capitalistic … Read Entire Article

Ilhan Omar: The Sexiest Woman In The 116th U.S. Congress

by Kareem Banks
March 31, 2019 (updated July 31, 2019)

The Congresswoman does not allow white people to dictate her thoughts, beliefs, and ideals, especially about Israel. That courage makes her super sexy.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — You know you’re doing something right when Trump white people and white liberals are attacking you simultaneously. Truth is the new terrorism for white Americans. Once they establish their subterfuges, all the nigroes, wetbacks, and others must happily parrot and follow along obsequiously. The lovely Congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, showed the world how intersectional white supremacy bonds white liberals and conservatives.


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Happy New Year: Operation-Nation Correctly Predicted Donald Trump Nomination in 2011

by Annabeth Milosevic
December 30, 2018

First of all, Happy New Year all! It’s been a while since I’ve contributed to Operation-Nation because, as many old school readers know, I was deported from the USA in 2014. Good ‘ol President Barack Obama deported the white, then-24-year-old girl from Serbia. But that’s neither here nor there now.

Operation-Nation is almost back in full swing after a lull over the last several years. We were only a group of six at full strength. But in the last five years, one of us was killed by cops, one is still sitting in Arizona … Read Entire Article

Three Things Must Happen For Ron Paul To Become President

by Brian A. Wilkins
9/1/2011 (links and photos updated December 12, 2019)

There are many things to like about Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul. He wants to abolish the IRS and Federal Reserve. He is anti-war, anti-world military occupation and pro-liberty. Paul wants to end the “war on drugs” and private prisons.

Paul introduced the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011. It would legalize farming and growing one of the most versatile and useful plants on the planet. He refuses to enroll in the Congressional medical entitlement program that gives all former and current Congress people lifetime, Read Entire Article

American House Negro Supreme Title No Longer Cut-And-Dried

by Brian A. Wilkins

House Negro Supreme
Booker T. Washington (L), President Barack Obama, and Supreme Court Justice
Clarence Thomas (R).

For decades, it was always Booker T. Washington; then Clarence Thomas became the “black” Republican mascot of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1991 thanks to Bush I. 20 years later, a newcomer is now worthy of mention in the Thomas-Washington dichotomy. The three candidates all have impressive resumes, but we’ll let you decide.


Washington is best known for being one of the founding members of Tuskegee University, an “historically black college” in America. It is also the site … Read Entire Article