Monthly Archives: December 2009

You Decide: My Pro Se Petitions in the Arizona Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and U.S. District Court

by Brian A. Wilkins
12/29/2009 (updated December 17, 2019)

UPDATE May 12, 2012: Arizona Supreme Court disbars Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas and his deputy Lisa Aubuchon.

It’s too little to late for me. But this thug will never be able to do to anyone else what he did to me.


Thomas “outrageously exploited power, flagrantly fostered fear, and disgracefully misused the law” for malicious prosecutions, according to the panel. The guy responsible for all this crap going on in my life is no longer a lawyer, elected or otherwise, in Arizona.

But the damage … Read Entire Article

David Flores’ Bittersweet Christmas

UPDATED August 6, 2015: David Flores was booked into Polk County Jail for failed drug test. The odds are stacked heavily against Flores ever having a normal life again. But we’re rooting for him and will try and keep updating this story.

UPDATED 1/4/2010: Iowa Attorney General Appeals Lower Court’s Reversal Of Flores’ Murder Conviction

The double standard here is the fact the State of Iowa will also file a motion in the Iowa Supreme Court to stay the proceedings in the Polk County Court, pending the appeal. What this effectively does is take away Mr. Flores’ possibility of being Read Entire Article

Did Washington D.C. “Snowball” Cop Inadvertently Prove An Obvious Cultural Phenomenon?

by Brian A. Wilkins

House Negro Cop “Detective Baylor” Pulls Gun On Snowball Fight Participants

Before I go any further, let’s make one thing abundantly clear: this house negro police thug “Detective Baylor” needs to immediately be charged with felony endangerment and/or misconduct involving a dangerous weapon for his actions on Saturday, December 19.

As many of you have seen, a Twitter-organized snowball fight was interrupted by an off-duty, out-of-uniform police thug who was on a power trip. Several bystanders and snowball fight participants rolled their cell phone cameras throughout the incident. But its not the police thug’s actions, which unfortunately happen almost … Read Entire Article

Federal Judge Orders Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County, To Answer Wilkins Claims

by Brian A. Wilkins
12/23/2009 (links updated November 6, 2018)

A federal judge ordered Maricopa County and Sheriff Joe Arpaio to answer several claims in my pro-se federal lawsuit.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Lawrence O. Anderson denied the defendants’ motions to dismiss the case on Tuesday, while also dismissing some of the Plaintiff’s (my) claims. READ THE ENTIRE ORDER IN PDF FORMAT HERE.

The judge ordered that the Plaintiff’s claims of conspiracy and Eighth Amendment cruel and unusual punishment dismissed. However, the court ordered Maricopa County to answer the Plaintiff’s Fourteenth Amendment “procedural due process” claims, as pre-trial, non-convicted … Read Entire Article

Multnomah County (OR) D.A. Michael Schrunk Threatened Prosecution If Woman Sued Police

by Brian A. Wilkins
12/18/2009 (links and photos updated December 11, 2018)

Seems like it was only yesterday when we were talking about how relatively futile it is for Americans to exercise the chicken bone “rights” the United States grants them – to sue police and other municipal entities that cause you injury under color of law. This so-called right has now officially been taken from us as well.

Ms. Angela DeCorte took her daughter to see The Wailers (yes, Bob Marley’s band) on August 5 in Portland. The ride home on the Metropolitan Area Express light-rail train … Read Entire Article

Average Price For Police Thugs To Murder Or Assault Americans: About $600,000

by Brian A. Wilkins
12/16/2009 (links and photos updated December 11, 2018)

Police thugs feel comfortable murdering American citizens because the U.S. Constitution (Eleventh Amendment) protects them from most civil liability. And even if an attorney is savvy enough to get around the archaic, sadistic amendment, the average price U.S. municipalities pay for their cops to enjoy the apparent privilege to murder, rape, and/or assault Americans is around $600,000 per victim; a relatively cheap price for taking someone’s life and/or well-being. And none of it ever comes out of the pocket of the actual murderer or … Read Entire Article