Confederate Justice: Inbred Killer Cop Scott Nugent Acquitted

UPDATED 11/1/2010: Winn Parish Coroner Was Not Allowed In The Courtroom

Those of you who simply CHOOSE to believe what you’ve heard come from this “not guilty verdict” of killer cop Scott Nugent may stop reading. For those of you interested in the true chain of events, listen up.

The OP-NAT EYE has now learned, from a source very close to the trial, that Winn Parish coroner, Dr. Randolph Williams, was not allowed to step foot onto the property of the Winn Parish Courthouse which Nugent’s trial was held. The OP-NAT EYE has also learned that it was in fact … Read Entire Article

Credibility, Integrity of U.S. Prosecutors and Judges Now Officially Extinct

by Brian A. Wilkins
10/14/2010 (links, photos, and videos updated December 15, 2018)

The past 30 days have shown, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the U.S. “Justice System” is nothing but a good ‘ol boy network of perverts, inbreds, and criminals; and should remind all Americans to stay vigilant in protecting your ever-eroding rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

U.S. District Judge Jack Camp (Georgia)

We start in Atlanta, Georgia, where 67-year-old U.S. District Judge Jack T. Camp, was arrested at an Atlanta strip club On Oct. 1 on several charges, including buying … Read Entire Article

Eleventh Amendment Is Unconstitutional; Must Be Repealed

by Brian A. Wilkins
8/31/2010 (links and photos updated December 24, 2018)


Fox News and right wing groups screaming for repeal of Sec. I of the Fourteenth Amendment (the Citizenship Clause) to prevent Mexicans from becoming U.S. citizens. Meanwhile liberals, CNN and MSNBC cry about the absolute right to bear arms and self-defense contained in the Second Amendment. It’s all great theater and distraction from the Eleventh Amendment, which is rarely spoken about in media, schools, and/or everyday conversation.

The Eleventh Amendment encourages and protects malfeasance and flat-out criminal behavior by judges, prosecutors, police, and Read Entire Article

Charges Dropped Against Man Brutally Attacked By Mesa (AZ) Police

by Brian A. Wilkins
7/14/2010 (links updated December 18, 2019)
on behalf of

Arizona governor Jan Brewer recently said, in defense of her signing SB1070 (the state’s new illegal immigration law), that people simply “must trust the police” to enforce the laws with integrity. What happened to Mr. Jermaine Walmsley in the early morning hours of June 12 not only proves why Brewer is a simple-minded puppet to the Arizona all-whiteboys GOP, but also why Americans need to become more vigilant with Second Amendment Rights, and protecting themselves against police state henchmen.

It was around 2 a.m. that Saturday morning, … Read Entire Article

SOURCE: Feds Could Take Receivership of MCSO By Mid-July

by Brian A. Wilkins

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio (L) and former Maricopa County
attorney Andrew Thomas.

The federal criminal investigation into Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio may be nearing completion, and there may literally be a new sheriff in town in the coming weeks.

A source very close to the federal grand jury proceedings told us they believe the FBI will take receivership of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office by the end of this month. Receivership is basically a court-ordered takeover of subject property and/or offices used to preserve any and all evidence which may be used against … Read Entire Article

UPDATE: Wilkins Habeas Corpus Part 2 and Sherle Flaggman’s Criminal [Ex]-Husband

UPDATED January 20, 2018: Maricopa County lawyer Sherle Flaggman placed on probation for a year by the Arizona State Bar.

UPDATED 6/29/2010: U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark Aspey Recommends The Federal Courts Assume Jurisdiction If The Arizona Court Of Appeals Does Not Reverse The Illegal Conviction (see PDF of the ORDER here)

This in no way mean the federal district court will reverse it either, but it does, however, guarantee that I will finally get legitimate review of this malicious, illegal conviction. Now the Arizona Court of Appeals is kind of backed into a wall: they cannot simply “deny review” Read Entire Article

Branstad For Governor: Iowa’s Terry Branstad Tough On Crime If It Doesn’t Involve His Family

by Brian A. Wilkins

Terry Branstad’s son, Eric, killed two people in a 1991 car “accident.”


DES MOINES — This article must be prefaced with the fact that, as an Iowan born and raised, and in my 30s now, I grew up only knowing one governor. That is Republican Terry Branstad. He served as the state’s chief executive from 1983-1999. It seemed Iowa was doing pretty well in his years. But I was just a kid and really didn’t care much about politics. Voters are heading to the polls tomorrow in the Republican primary. Unfortunately, Branstad’s possible preferential treatment … Read Entire Article

Drunk Baltimore (MD) Police Thug Murders Unarmed Tyrone Brown

UPDATED August 16, 2011: Tsamba sentenced to 15 years in prison

Looks like Baltimore Police and the State of Maryland decided to throw a bone to black people by sentencing a cop – a black cop – to prison for murdering a black man. Its great that this cop will rot in a prison cell, but the optics are the undeniable elephant in the room.

UPDATED 6/6/2010: Killer Cop’s Name is Gahiji Tshamba

This isn’t even the most disturbing part of this update. Tsamba was involved in yet another drunken, off-duty attack on an American, when he shot a man Read Entire Article

Pinole (CA) Police Thugs Murder Unarmed Michael “Mickey” Ray Welch

by Brian A. Wilkins
6/1/2010 (links and photos updated December 10, 2018)

Thug Pinole Police Deputy Chief Peter Janke

The only explanation for this murder of an American citizen is the same one virtually all of these killings have proverbialized: two police thugs wanted blood and paid vacations; and were going to get it no matter what.

The latest murder of an American citizen by thug cops happened in Pinole, CA – a bedroom community with 19,000 residents, about 20 miles northeast of San Francisco. Pinole Police allege that Mr. Michael “Mickey” Welch was involved in some sort … Read Entire Article

Maricopa County Deputies Assault Woman, Lie Under Oath About It

by Brian A. Wilkins
on behalf of


Copwatch Logo


It was a little more than a year ago today, when Ms. Robin Sword trekked down from Las Vegas to Lake Pleasant, AZ; one of the more scenic camping/boating/fishing destinations in the state. Located about 50 miles NW of downtown Phoenix, Lake Pleasant also happens to be within the jurisdiction of Maricopa County Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio…you know, that guy who is currently being investigated by the U.S. Department of Justice, and the County Board of Supervisors. The feds and supervisors can now add the story of Ms. Sword to their volumes of evidence.

The … Read Entire Article