Fortifying Confederate Armies: Black Athletes and SEC Football

by Brian A. Wilkins
9/30/2009 (links and photos updated December 22, 2018)



The AP (Associated Press) poll released this past Sunday had three of the top four Division I college football teams from the Southeastern Conference (SEC): #1 Florida, #3 Alabama, and #4 LSU. The University of Mississippi would also be in the top 5 had it not been for Thursday night’s 16-10 loss to South Carolina.

The SEC has clearly been the best conference in college football this millennium. Florida and LSU won all of the past three national titles. LSU also won in 2003. This … Read Entire Article

Fresno (CA) Police Thugs Murder Unarmed Lonnie Graham

by Brian A. Wilkins
9/24/2009 (links and photos updated December 3, 2018)

The headlines on state-run media news sites are sickening: Fresno Police Kill GANG MEMBER – Fresno Bee; Fresno Officers On Leave After Shooting PAROLEE – KMPH Fox26; you get the picture.

Mr. Lonnie Graham, a 28-year-old father of two, was murdered in cold blood by Fresno police thugs on September 23. According to a witness, Celeste Rodriguez, Mr. Graham exited the back door of his home when he realized police were there. As soon as he opened the door, the police thugs opened fire on him, … Read Entire Article

Wilkins v. Donahoe: Petition for Special Action in the Arizona Court of Appeals

by Brian A. Wilkins
9/24/2009 (links updated November 3, 2018)

Those of you who have been following this persecution since the beginning, you know I filed a Petition for Post-Conviction Relief in the Maricopa County Superior Court. That petition, by law and by procedural guidelines, had to be decided by Maricopa County Judge Gary Donahoe and/or Teresa Sanders by September 1, 2009. Of course, in the tradition of Maricopa County court backwoods behavior, the petition was simply ignored.

Because Donahoe has violated Arizona statutes, and jurisdiction by the higher court can be accepted because of this violation of … Read Entire Article

Los Angeles County Police Thugs Murder Unarmed Darrick Collins, Sr.

by Brian A. Wilkins
9/22/2009 (links and photos updated November 19, 2018)

UPDATE: The thug cop who murdered Mr. Collins is “Deputy” Kevin Brown of the LA County Sheriff’s Department. The killer was never charged with a crime. The Collins family received an insulting $900,000 settlement from LA County, which means they probably received about $450,000 about lawyer fees. Sheriff Lee Baca instituted “changes” to policy that amount to nothing more but lip service.


Mr. Darrick Collins, 36, and his friend Mr. Jay Johnson were talking in the driveway of Mr. Collins’ home in the unincorporated … Read Entire Article

Pimps and Slave Masters Funded by the U.S. Government

by Heidi S. Peterson – Advocate, Journalist (pictured)
Seattle-King County Correspondent
9/16/2009 (links and photos updated July 31, 2019)

The U.S. government ignores human rights here and abroad. Slavery and rape are both legal in this world in 2009. Americans should not support a government that employs high-priced pimps.

DynCorp International, a U.S.-based private military contractor that gets 96 percent of its $2 billion annual revenue from the U.S. treasury, has provided security and other support for U.S. military operations in Bosnia, Somalia, Kosovo, Kuwait, Bolivia, Iraq and many other countries since the mid 1990s. What seems … Read Entire Article

Baton Rouge (LA) Police Thug Terrance Nolan Shoots One Man, Assaults Another

by Brian A. Wilkins
9/16/2009 (links and photos updated December 30, 2018)

Mr. Caleb Staden (L) and Devin Martin.

Just as Harvard professor, Mr. Henry Louis Gates, cannot enter his own home without being harassed by Cambridge, MA police thugs, Mr. Devin Martin and Mr. Caleb Staden, were almost killed by Baton Rouge (LA) police thug Terrance Nolan, simply for trying to enter the apartment complex they lived in.

The attack occurred on Sunday, September 6, when Mr. Martin and Mr. Staden were walking into the Canterbury House Apartment, which at least one of the young … Read Entire Article

Reality Check: “Whites” Killing “Blacks” Is Legal In The USA

by Brian A. Wilkins
9/7/2009 (links updated November 6, 2018)


Reality Check1

Let’s revisit some recent events in the United Police States of America.

Antavio Johnson is a 20-year-old Nubian (“black”) man from Lakeland, FL. He wrote and performed a rap song entitled “Kill Me A Cop.” He posted it Myspace and Youtube.

Americans learn about their First Amendment Rights in first grade. We can say whatever as long as nobody is physically hurt. The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed First Amendment protections in the 1969 Brandenburg v. Ohio decision. The court ruled, “the government cannot constitutionally Read Entire Article

LeGarrette Blount Suspended Indefinitely; Instigator Byron Hout Slapped on Wrist

by Brian A. Wilkins

Byron Hout                                 LaGarrette Blount   

Let’s face it: when Oregon running back LaGarrette Blount dropped Boise State defensive lineman Byron Hout to his knees with a hard right to the chin on Thursday night, everybody knew it would be a HUGE story because it was a “black guy” hitting a “white guy.” Our country always has and always will be obsessed with any competition which pits the “races” against one another (see Obama v. McCain; Jesse Owens vs. “The Master Race” in the 1936 Berlin Olympics; Larry Bird vs. Magic Johnson).

First, let’s … Read Entire Article

Washington (Missouri) Police Department’s History A Microcosm Of USA

by Brian A. Wilkins
9/3/2009 (links updated November 22, 2021)

The screenshot from their municipal website says it all; as plain as day. Police departments, most notably that of Washington, Missouri – a town of about 14,000 in the East-Central part of the State, were founded on the philosophy:


Washington MO

Human beings all around the globe follow very old traditions with an uncanny devotion (see Christianity, Islam, Zoroaster, etc.). The NYPD (1844) and Boston PD (1838) were founded around the same time and obviously around the same principles as the Washington (MO) PD. … Read Entire Article

Tempe Police Chief and Berge Ford Daughter Affair?

by Brian A. Wilkins
9/3/2009 (links and videos updated November 3, 2018)



She is according to The website, ran by former and current City of Tempe employees, says Ryff and Mrs. Charlene Berge-Blum had a “longtime, recent…inappropriate relationship.” Ryff has also told friends that he can “help them get a good deal” on cars at Berge Ford in Mesa, according to the website. But the most scandalous part of this alleged affair is Ryff yelling, “I’m not f***ing my wife,” while talking on the … Read Entire Article