by Brian A. Wilkins
9/30/2009 (links and photos updated December 22, 2018)
The AP (Associated Press) poll released this past Sunday had three of the top four Division I college football teams from the Southeastern Conference (SEC): #1 Florida, #3 Alabama, and #4 LSU. The University of Mississippi would also be in the top 5 had it not been for Thursday night’s 16-10 loss to South Carolina.
The SEC has clearly been the best conference in college football this millennium. Florida and LSU won all of the past three national titles. LSU also won in 2003. This season, Florida is the odd-ons favorite to win yet another title. SEC rivals Alabama and LSU (and Tim Tebow’s concussion) are the only serious threats to the Gators. The fact that the SEC is the dominant force in college football is not an arguable issue. Alabama, Georgia, and Ole Miss (University of Mississippi) all finished in the top 15 in 2008. Georgia finished #2 to LSU in 2007. Florida, Auburn, and Tennessee all finished in the top 15 in 2007.
The SEC is comprised of the major historically European American, public (except Vanderbilt), universities in the Confederacy. Florida State, Clemson, and Georgia Tech are of course in the ACC. All the Texas schools’ affiliations are with the Big 12.
SEC: From Segregation to Blaxploitation
It wasn’t until 1966 that the SEC allowed black players on their teams. Coach Don Haskins’ Texas Western NCAA basketball team had five black starters, which was unheard of back then. They beat Adolf Rupp’s University of Kentucky all-white team in the 1966 NCAA championship game. The SEC began “allowing” all its school to recruit black athletes from that point forward.
Nat Northington and Greg Page became the first black SEC football players, ironically for Kentucky in 1967. Perry Wallace and Godfrey Dillard were the first black SEC basketball players for Vanderbilt that same year.
Once Rupp was beaten by five black basketball players, SEC coaches and athletic directors had a racist mea culpa. They likely got together for mint juleps and conversations on topics such as, “we have plenty of niggers to recruit down here. We could dominate sports if we let niggers play at our universities. We don’t even have to pay them anything.”
This assumption of having plenty to recruit is true in every sense. It is no secret that a healthy majority of the USA’s “African Americans” reside in the Confederacy.
It is also no secret that African Americans are superior athletes in basketball, football, and track-and-field. In fact, well respected white men in the world of sports have drawn controversy for stating this obvious phenomenon.
Former Air Force football coach Fisher DeBerry, who retired in 2006 after 23 years at the helm, drew criticism for basically saying black athletes run faster than white athletes. His comments came after Air Force was absolutely crushed by TCU, and its black athletes, 48-10 in 2005.
Long time Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno came to Coach DeBerry’s defense a few days later. Paterno said black athletes have “changed the whole tempo of the game.” Coach DeBerry and Coach Paterno were simply stating facts,. But former CBS commentator Jimmy “The Greek” Snyder had to add some inbred spice to his assertions. He said, among other things, that black people were “bred for sports” since slavery times. He was fired from CBS in 1988.
Profiting off free black labor 1709 and 2009
The Confederacy got rich and prosperous off the free labor of black people. Now their football armies are being fortified with the best soldiers and weapons in the country. Football is a way for rich European Americans to practice their long-time traditions and customs of turf wars. But with football, nobody is actually killed.
Football has formations called shotgun. Football has passes called bombs. Quarterbacks have guns or rockets for arms. The teams with the most “weapons” generally win. The SEC has the largest pool of weapons (recruits) to choose from in the country. Black athletes, for whatever reason, choose to play for state government-funded universities that view them as three-fifths of a human being (see Article 1, Sec. 2 of the Confederate Constitution).
Confederate white people fought the Civil War to preserve the right to own black people. But today they argue that the Confederacy no longer exists and this entire article is hyperbole, exaggeration, and “the race card.” The USA is one of the more hypocritical countries on the planet. It preaches anti-terrorism, but allows terrorist flags to fly all across the southeastern part of the country.
Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi don’t even try and hide their Confederate affiliations and feelings towards black people. Just look at their state flags.
Confederate white disciples argue that Alabama (L), Florida’s (center), and Mississippi’s flags are just coincidentally saltyre-shaped and have nothing to do with the Confederate flag. Great. But men nowadays also wear make-up (similar to these flags), and even go as far as getting boob implants. But we all know they are still MEN, just like we know what these flags represent.
George W. Bush would not sent his children to play for the al-Qaeda soccer team. Rabbi “fill-in-the-blank” would not send his kids to play for the Nazi basketball team. Why would African American parents send their children to play for enemy terrorists?
Confederate states are arrogantly and openly genocidal and racist. They support principles and lifestyles that deem so-called “blacks” sub-human. This should be enough to keep all those five-star recruits from playing for Alabama, Auburn, Florida, Mississippi, and Mississippi State. But apparently, it is not.
Some SEC Coaches Have Consciences, Some Don’t
South Carolina is one of the more openly terrorist safe-haven states in the Union. Hillary and Bill Clinton tried taking advantage of this fact during the 2008 election cycle. South Carolina Gamecocks football coach Steve Spurrier, unlike the rest of the SEC’s coaches, has made perfectly clear that he is completely against terror flags and Confederate culture.
Coach Spurrier recognizes what these symbols truly represent. Thus the University of South Carolina should be the only SEC football program with openly Confederate affiliations that black parents should even feel ok sending their sons to play football (as long as Spurrier is there). Former South Carolina football coach Lou Holtz and former Clemson football coach Tommy Bowden have made similar declarations as Spurrier.
The state of Alabama is not only Confederate central, but their coach, Nick Saban, referred to a black Louisianan as “coonass”
Click here for audio of SABAN’S COMMENT
Why would any self-respecting brother want to play for this guy?
Spurrier, Holtz, Tommy Bowden, Pete Carroll, Jim Tressel, Kirk Ferentz, Jeff Tedford, or any other successful, big-time NCAA Division I football coach would never say anything like that. It’s just stupid to say, no matter how you interpret it.
LSU fans (Saban’s former employer) fly terrorist flags on campus during football games, complete with their own propreietary make-up on the terror symbol. It’s similar to the state flags of Alabama and Florida. Black students at LSU have asked the university to ban the purple-and-gold Confederate flags. But LSU officials say a ban would violate First Amendment rights. These symbols apparently don’t violate anti-terrorism statutes though.
Back students have held protests and tailgate parties opposing the terrorist flags. Some were told by Euro-American LSU fans to “go back to Africa,” according to (site now defunct). Other protestors were doused with beer and spit.
Terrorism Alive and Well in Confederacy
The state of Louisiana, as Operation-Nation has covered extensively, is also one of the nation’s leaders in terrorist murders and attacks on black men by police thugs. Baron “Scooter” Pikes, 21, was murdered by Winnfield (LA) police thug Scott Nugent in January of 2008. Nugent tasered Pikes 9 times in 14 minutes. Nugent was only charged with manslaughter. His trial has been delayed several times, in an obvious attempt by his Winn Parish cohorts to skirt justice.
Homer (LA) police thug Tim Cox murdered 73-year-old Bernard Monroe in cold-blood this past February. When Homer Police chief Russell Mills was asked about the murder, he answered in typical Confederate fashion: “This is how it should be…I want [“blacks”] to be afraid every time they see police.” No charges have been filed against Cox as of publishing.
And of course, who can forget the persecution of those six young men by Jena, Louisiana. Confederate prosecutor Reed Walters told all black students at Jena High, “I can be your best friend or your worst enemy…with a stroke of a pen.”
There are endless reasons as to why young black men should not commit their blood, sweat, and tears to these universities and states. Every April when spring football practices are going on all over the country, the state of Georgia celebrates Confederate History Month. Confederate and SEC apologists argue that these young men are getting a quality education at great historically Euro-American (“white”) colleges. This could not be further from the truth.
Pseudo-Educations For Most Student-Athletes
Black high school athletes in the south used to get a comprehensive, genuine educations by attending an HBCU (historically black colleges and universities). They also still had the opportunity at NFL stardom and further career prospects when their football days were over. SEC schools did not allow black students (let alone athletes) to attend prior to the 1960s. In fact “reading while black” was a crime punishable by prison in several Confederate states up until the mid 1900s.
The establishment of HBCUs was necessary, but far from equal to HECUs (historically European colleges). HBCU football gave the universities much-needed exposure. The athletes usually graduated in four or five years prior to the 1980s, and either went on to NFL stardom or some other prosperous endeavors.
The SEC began draining athletes from HBCUs in the 1970s, with the promise of stardom, sex, and money. The Gramblings, Southerns, and Alcorn States of the world were unknown to the “mainstream” at the time, and also vastly underfunded then and now. But back then, even while being vastly underfunded, most athletes found a way to graduate from HBCUs.
According to a 2002 study by Illinois State University researchers James C. Palmer and Sandra L. Gillian, the discrepancies in state funding for public HBCUs and HECUs are ridiculously slanted. That academic year, $211 million was allocated to the historically European University of Mississippi, while its HBCU counterpart, Alcorn State, was appropriated only $27.1 million in state funding. That averaged out to a $24,000 per-student allocation at “Ole Miss,” and a $12,000 per-student allocation at Alcorn State.
Black athletes are indoctrinated into HECU culture, lifestyle and expectations upon arrival on campus. They immediately disregard the fact they have all-access to those well-funded universities with endless opportunity to exercise their grey matter. There should be a large population of educated, prosperous black men in this country because of college athletics. But the student part of student-athlete generally gets lost within the first few weeks on campus.
High School To Prison Pipeline Begins in 1980s
Black athletes became mainstream in HECUs, particularly the SEC, around 1980. There were 463,700 black men enrolled in college at the time (boosted by increased SEC football and basketball recruiting) and only 143,000 black men in prison. There were 603,032 black men in college, and 791,600 “black” men in prison by the year 2000. That was only 20 years after mainstreaming black athletes.
These numbers were boosted not only by indoctrination into mainstream college athletics and lifestyle, but also mandatory minimum prison sentences for drug charges. HBCUs used to aim at maximizing recruits’ natural athletic talent and their scholarly potential. HECUs simply want “weapons” to win football wars and make politicians, administrators, coaches and boosters very rich and/or powerful in their respective states.
A 2008 report showed that 7 of the 12 SEC schools graduated fewer than 60 percent of their football players within 10 years of initial enrollment. The Big 12 has six said schools, and all the other BCS conferences have four or fewer schools that graduated less than 60 percent of football players. The SEC is last in graduation rates for all BCS conferences. In other words, all the SEC wants from black athletes is wins. They couldn’t care less about these young men’s educations or well-being. Young black men enter that HECU environment believing all they must do is play football, have sex, party, get air-time, and go all in on getting drafted into the NFL. Administrators do very little to deter or alter this line of thinking.
Again, the “student” part of student-athlete is non-existent in SEC, and pretty much all other schools, for black athletes. Most HBCU’s nowadays are so under-funded that the schools lack the means to give student-athletes a university-worthy education. HBCU’s today also lack the exposure their campuses used to get when the Walter Payton’s, Jerry Rice’s, and Deacon Jones’ of the world attended. HBCU’s are quickly becoming just as inept at graduating its students than HECU’s. In other words, its a vicious cycle of “go to the NFL, or sling crack back in the hood.”
Black Athletes Being Willing Slaves
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why any self-respecting, righteous young black man would attend one of these terrorist sympathizing, Maafa-denying (similar to Holocaust denying) universities. The only understandable explanation would be that their only scholarship offers were from the SEC. If you are a blue-chip, five-star football athlete, you can go to any Division I school you wish. There’s no reason to go to a school that aids, abets and terrorists who only care about you on Saturdays in the months of August-November.
Why not go to universities like Iowa (currently ranked #13 in the AP) and other Big Ten schools who have had black players on their teams as far back as the 1920s. Go to an ACC school, which by far has the best graduation rate for athletes (72%) of all BCS conferences. If you want a lot of NFL exposure and warm climate, go to USC, Arizona State (Dennis Erickson coaches there), Cal-Berkeley, or even Hawaii.
It is sad that the SEC is now the most powerful conference in college football due to the blood and sweat of the same people they want enslaved. The Confederate Constitution specifically declares that “negro slavery” as an institution can never be abridged in any way (See Article 5, Sec. 3[3]). Based on the SEC’s success, that declaration holds true even today.
SEC is modern slave trade
Black men control very little in this country. What they do have control over is their pride, dignity, and the success rate of Confederate Armies in the SEC Conference. If only ONE five-star running back, wide receiver, or linebacker declines to go to Alabama, LSU, Florida, Georgia, et al., because of the facts surrounding said programs presented here, this article has done its job. If there is a second mass migration to the North and West (regarding athletes from the South), as there was between 1910-1930, it would show an incredible, unprecedented unity for a true cause of betterment in Diaspora people.
SEC schools are not trying to educate student athletes. SEC schools’ goal is for black athletes to work for free (play football). Scholarships means nothing because most black athletes don’t use them, nor are they encouraged to use them. The SEC does not deserve, nor does it respect the athletes that commit to their schools. Athletes are simply black lucrative chattel to these people. It probably wouldn’t be bad for some of the young men to see, live, and experience different parts of the country anyway.
Black people have mastered the physical and athletic part of humanity. It’s time to GRADUATE from something the race has long mastered and move on to the organizational, educational, and forward-thinking aspects of life. Earning degrees and opening businesses in various industries as a result of opportunities presented on the football field should be the focus.
Slavery was technically legal in Mississippi until 1995, and until 1976 in Kentucky. Their state legislatures did not ratify the 13th Amendment until those respective years. Based on the SEC’s success in football, slavery is also still technically legal in 2009 in those states and beyond.
This is stooping to the bowels lunacy.It AINT ALL ABOUT WHITEY AGAINST THE BLACK MAN. Grow up.
The term “coonass” has nothing to do with race rather heritage. It is a term used in South Louisiana refering to the people who live in South Louisiana. Race plays no part in whether you are a “Coonass” or not!
STFU niggers. Fucking go get welfare and kill each other like the monkeys you are.
There is also a discussion about this article going on at the Onnidan website.,32571.0.html
As an SEC (LSU) fan, I take exception to the article because of its truths (yes, I admit that). But as far the education of black athletes at SEC schools, Jamarcus Russell is a microcosm of the lack thereof.
the VAST majority of blacks do not live in the confederacy. according to the census, 54 percent live in the south (certainly not vast). the census definition of the south includes the blacks in maryland and delware which were not even affiliated with the confederacy.
black people are spread out in the south. in the north they are in urban areas. thats why that make makes it appear that the vast majority are in the south.
look up some numbers, and dont just assume things
I saw this article on TSPN
Though many brothers are getting the point of it, those of you not willing to read, comprehend, and think deserve to be treated like slaves. Great article, Mr. Wilkins.
I couldn’t agree with you more. These kids don’t know the struggles we went through and they could care less. I guess that’s a good thing from the diversity/equality/equal opportunity standpoint but the days gone by are long forgotten. I really think it’s an age thing. Depending on your age you still harbor ill feelings of Adolph Rupp saying a black kid would never play for him, George Wallace blocking the schoolhouse doors, images of the Little Rock Seven, and on and on and on.
I am a black sec (UT) fan & first off I know that coonass is not a racist term in Louisiana. 2nd I was born & raised in the south so I root for the teams that are based in the reigon in which I live i want my teams to win just as much as the next fan. I do not see color I just wanna win!! 3rd all NCAA athelets play for free no matter what conference they play in. Mr. Wilkins there are bigger matters in the African American community that needs to be addressed, Like we need to stop killing each other etc. I’m just like the kids who play for the sec schools I represent the new south and football bringing us together. Yes there are some people out there that still has. Racist views but like coach Lou Holtz says WE HAVE TO RISE ABOVE IT!!!!
Chris: as a regular reader of this blog who’s never left a comment, with all due respect, I find your comment to be uninformed and narrow. You say “Mr. Wilkins, there are bigger matters in the African American community that need to be addressed.” Yes, there are, like when Mr. Wilkins, out of the kindness of his heart, his concerns about “African Americans,” and his dedication, got my son released from prison after he sat in a cage on death row for over 15 years for a rape and murder of a white woman he’d never seen, heard of, or been in the same town as her. And I my son, and my family are forever grateful to this man. You should read more, and not pass judgment after reading one article…an article which you missed the point of entirely. But as Mr. Wilkins said in another article, “some (and sadly many) young ‘black’ men are unreachable and happy with a life of hip-hop, basketball, and pseudo-nationalistic bravado.”
What point am I missing? I’m sorry you and your son had to go through that. If all 12 members came out tomorrow and said we will no longer allow african American football players at our schools, all hell would break loose!! Espeacially from the african Americancommunity!!
We all know that the reason the kids go to sec schools to play ball is because of the exposure they get to get to the next level. All colleges in D1 us these kids to win. Sad but true!! No matter his color. It’s up to him to get his butt in class, do the right things, better himself. Call me a uncle Tom I don’t give a damn!!
That would be great if Africans decided to leave the south. Send those ni**ers up north. We’ll take them. We have too many whites in the Big Ten.