“Arpaio Five”: Phoenix Protestors Pepper Sprayed At January Rally Face Different Obstacles

by Brian A. Wilkins

ORIGINAL LINK: http://blog.operation-nation.com/2010/04/04/arpaio-five-phoenix-protestors-pepper-sprayed-at-january-rally-face-different-obstacles.aspx

It is going on three months since five young people exercising their First Amendment rights were attacked by Phoenix Police, and forever had the course of their existences altered. There has, however, been some good news in the subsequent persecutions, which are now taking place.

All “charges” against Mr. Garyn Klasek and Ms. Claire Elizabeth Brock were dropped on January 29, after county prosecutors read the report drafted by obviously lonely Phoenix Police.


The report alleges that [I’m paraphrasing] Ms. Brock jumped on Mr. Klasek’s back and attached a chain from her waist … Read Entire Article

The Obama Effect Part II: Thug Cops Being Charged With Murder More Than Ever

by Brian  A. Wilkins
3/28/2010 (links and photos updated December 16, 2018)


These three low-life, killer cops, (L-R) Frank Tepper of Philadelphia PD; Troy Meade of Everett (WA) PD; and Johannes Mehserle of Bay Area Transit (BART) Police are currently facing murder charges in their respective states.


Mr. William Panas (L) was murdered on November 21, 2009, when thug Tepper, while off-duty, shot Panas in the chest. Mr. Niles Meservey (middle) was murdered on June 10, 2009, after thug Meade shot Meservey seven times in the back. Mr. Oscar Grant (R) Read Entire Article

The Obama Effect: White Americans Being Killed By Police More Than Ever

by Brian A. Wilkins
3/27/2010 (links and photos updated December 16, 2018)

Victims (top row) James Patrick Ahern, Tyler Heilman, Niles Meservey, and Vincent Steen; and (bottom row) Tanner Chamberlain – 15 years old; Brett “Dewey” Elder – 15 years old; James “Jimbo” Nelson – murder just this week by Portland (OR) police thugs; and David Masters.

All of these Americans were murdered by police thugs in the past 12 months alone. White Americans being attacked and/or murdered by police was rare prior to 2008. But when it did happen, it was usually beyond disgusting and savage. The … Read Entire Article

Phoenix Police Thug Brian Authement Rewarded With Paid Vacation; Councilman Michael Johnson May Face Charges

by Brian A. Wilkins
3/25/2010 (links, videos and photos updated September 22, 2019)

Phoenix Thug Cop Brian Authement (L) and Phoenix City Councilman Michael Johnson

PHOENIX — The cop thuggery world just set a new precedent. A black good Samaritan and neighbor was brutally attacked by a feral white cop. Said neighbor happens to be a city councilman and former cop. Guess which one is potentially facing criminal charges?

The incident occurred early last Friday morning, March 19. Phoenix City Councilman Michael Johnson discovered that his neighbor’s home was on fire. The fire department gave him permission to go … Read Entire Article

Los Angeles Police Thugs Murder Unarmed, Autistic Steven Eugene Washington

by Brian A. Wilkins
3/21/2010 (links and photos updated December 12, 2019)

LOS ANGELES — In yet another government-sanctioned murder at the hands of American police thugs, you would think there’d be no more lows the savages can stoop to…unless you believe it is ok to kill unarmed, autistic Americans.

This is what happened yesterday, in the Koreatown section of Los Angeles. Los Angeles police thugs Allan Corrales George Diego, who LAPD say are part of “gang enforcement” – a moniker U.S. police give certain thug cops who are sanctioned to kill “blacks” anytime they feel like it. – … Read Entire Article

Chip Off The Ol’ Chief: Tempe Cop Jared Blanchard Resigns Over Sex Scandals

by Brian A. Wilkins
3/18/2010 (updated September 16, 2019)

ORIGINAL LINK: http://blog.operation-nation.com/2010/03/18/chip-off-the-ol-chief-tempe-cop-jared-blanchard-resigns-over-sex-scandals.aspx

Blanchard Ryff
You have to wonder whether former Tempe “police officer” Jared Blanchard was trying to reprise the role of Cadet George Martin in the first Police Academy movie…

…or if he was simply following in the footsteps of his clownboy leader: Tempe Police Chief Tom Ryff.

The story of Blanchard has been talked about on local news outlets and publications for the past couple days. Blanchard resigned from the Tempe Police Department this week after admitting to “using his position” to have sex with women. There were several … Read Entire Article

New Mexico Judge Rules Prison Is “Too Harsh A Sentence” For Rapist Cop David Maes

by Brian A. Wilkins
3/17/2010 (links and photos updated December 23, 2018)

Rapist/Cop Apologist Judge Albert “Pat” Murdoch (L) and Rapist Albuquerque Cop David Maes (R).

I wish I was surprised by this, but I have to remind myself what country we live in.

Today, Euro-American media are sensationalizing rapes happening in post-earthquake Haiti. Meanwhile last Friday, rapist thug Albuquerque cop David Maes pleaded guilty to rape and false imprisonment charges. The incident happened on October 4, 2007 when Maes raped a woman whom he was supposed to be guarding at a hospital. This incident was after … Read Entire Article

Bella Vista Police Shooting: FBI May Take Over Case

by Brian A. Wilkins

ORIGINAL LINK: http://blog.operation-nation.com/2010/03/14/bella-vista-police-shooting-fbi-may-take-over-case.aspx

Watching and listening to Bella Vista (AR) Police Chief Ken Farmer weasel his way through direct questioning about the kangaroo investigations allegedly being conducted by Arkansas State Police and his department, was like watching Ari Fleisher attempt to justify George W. Bush’s “Presidency.”

“Investigations” are entering week eight, and still, there has been zero official comment or explanation about the cold-blooded murder of Mr. James Patrick Ahern back on Jan. 20, at the hands of currently-vacationing Bella Vista thug cop Coleman Brackney.

OP-NAT commenters have kept the murder up-to-date and fresh in … Read Entire Article

Americans Continue Testing The Obsolete “Ku Klux Klan Act” Of 1871

by Brian A. Wilkins

For those unfamiliar with legal mumbo-jumbo, the Civil Rights Act Of 1871 – better known by the moniker “Ku Klux Klan Act,” which is fitting in many circumstamces – is what gave American citizens the “right” to sue cities, counties, and towns that violate any of your Constitutional rights under color of law. The Act is now codified under Title 42, Sec. 1983 of United States law, and reads as follows:

Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes Read Entire Article

Deadly February For Americans At The Hands Of Police Thugs

by Brian A. Wilkins
3/3/2010 (links and images updated November 13, 2018)

After taking the advice of a good friend and near-future Op-Nat contributor, I took a month away from blogging to clear my head of the inevitable realities of our country. Perhaps I should have stayed away longer…

February turned out to be one of the most deadly months Operation Nation has ever seen, as the genocide against American citizens by savage police thugs continues unchecked by our alleged “government.” Though we count at least 11 murders by police thugs last month, here are three of the … Read Entire Article