Tag Archives: James Patrick Ahern

Bella Vista (AR) Government Ignores Citizen Concerns

by Brian A. Wilkins
11/4/2010 (links and photos updated November 13, 2018)

The January 20 murder of Mr. James Patrick Ahern by now former Bella Vista (AR) police thug Coleman Brackney will not grace the pages or airwaves of Arkansas “mainstream” media again until around December 7, when Brackney’s trial for a “manslaughter” charge is expected to begin. It is now abundantly clear, however, that this murder, which Brackney shot Mr. Ahern six times while he sat in his car, was avoidable, had the Bella Vista city government heeded the pleas of the citizens who elected them.

Mr. Matt Holland, … Read Entire Article

Bella Vista (AR) Cop Brackney Charged With Manslaughter


NOTICE: There will be a memorial service for James Ahern in Omaha on Saturday 6/19/2010.

The memorial will be held at Creighton Prep Chapel, 7400 Western Avenue, Omaha, NE. The service starts at 10:00 AM. There will be time given during the mass for friends to get up and talk about Mr. Ahern. This service was set up by some of Mr. Ahern’s friends in Omaha since there was no funeral service there. All of Mr. Ahern’s friends, family, and supporters are welcome to join in celebrating his life.

by Brian A. … Read Entire Article

Bella Vista Police Shooting: FBI May Take Over Case

by Brian A. Wilkins

ORIGINAL LINK: http://blog.operation-nation.com/2010/03/14/bella-vista-police-shooting-fbi-may-take-over-case.aspx

Watching and listening to Bella Vista (AR) Police Chief Ken Farmer weasel his way through direct questioning about the kangaroo investigations allegedly being conducted by Arkansas State Police and his department, was like watching Ari Fleisher attempt to justify George W. Bush’s “Presidency.”

“Investigations” are entering week eight, and still, there has been zero official comment or explanation about the cold-blooded murder of Mr. James Patrick Ahern back on Jan. 20, at the hands of currently-vacationing Bella Vista thug cop Coleman Brackney.

OP-NAT commenters have kept the murder up-to-date and fresh in … Read Entire Article