by Annabeth Milosevic
December 30, 2018
First of all, Happy New Year all! It’s been a while since I’ve contributed to Operation-Nation because, as many old school readers know, I was deported from the USA in 2014. Good ‘ol President Barack Obama deported the white, then-24-year-old girl from Serbia. But that’s neither here nor there now.
Operation-Nation is almost back in full swing after a lull over the last several years. We were only a group of six at full strength. But in the last five years, one of us was killed by cops, one is still sitting in Arizona State Prison on malicious BS, and two are missing. That leaves just two of us to get things going again.
I had a Skype conversation with [founder] Brian the other day; first time we’ve talked in two years. We got caught up on a lot of things, particularly my new assignment of updating and repairing articles from when GoDaddy destroyed the old OP-NAT EYE. There are well over 400 published articles on here, so it takes time. But one of the best ones I’ve come across (and that I edited back then) was from April 28, 2011 when we wrote the second of only two articles categorized as satire on the blog. The title is all you need to know:
For those who may be skeptical that the article was really published on that date, here is the Wayback Machine version. We essentially predicted that white supremacist culture, Nazism, and Confederate USA culture were all it takes for a white male to become a Presidential Nominee since white people were so angry about Obama being President. Trump had just forced Obama to show his birth certificate (again). This “feat” energized the rabid white racists that represent 60% of white America, based on that amount of them voting for the rapist Donald in 2016. The best part about our article is the footnote at the end: “*We reluctantly categorize this post as satire.”
Granted Donald Trump did not win the 2012 nomination. But he did in fact win the 2016 Nomination and Presidency based solely on racism, radical white extremism, and misogyny. When I first arrived to America in 2007, I thought it was the bastion for equality. In fact most people in my country still believe that.
When Brian and I met on the campus of Arizona State University that year, we talked a lot about racism. This was all new to me because I had never seen or spoken to a black person until I arrived in the USA. I honestly did not believe racism existed in the United States. But when Brian was arrested for defending himself from a white man in 2008, in a state that loves guns and self-defense, that’s all I needed to see. It broke my heart and set in motion what Operation-Nation has become.
Interestingly most people in Serbia – at least my immediate circle who are aware of global affairs – supported Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016 mostly because Bill Clinton bombed our country in 1999. Mrs. Clinton is also a warmonger. But the enthusiasm has really dwindled ever since.
I live in a really small town in the southwest part of the country; about 10 miles from the Kosovo border and 20 miles from Montenegro. The latter might be why Serbs in my area really started talking bad about Trump after he essentially dismissed the people of Montenegro as a bunch of worthless, “aggressive” savages this past July on Fox News.
The result of a January 2018 Gallup poll makes sense based on my personal observations: only 16% of Serbs support Trump. The people in my neighboring hoods (yes, I learned that word in America), Kosovo and Albania, approved of Trump at 70%+ clips. It’s all quite interesting since the politicians and their sheep here love Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump’s pimp. I mostly just keep quiet about politics because ever since I went to the United States, I see everything in a completely different light. That’s why I’m grateful for Operation-Nation; it’s my incognito megaphone.
It’s going to be a great 2019 for Operation-Nation. Hopefully we get all our old articles SEO-compliant and bring lots of new content, while I bring a Balkan perspective to world issues we’ll be covering.
We predict Trump will resign by the end of 2019. I’m personally curious to see how it all plays out now!