Tempe Police, City Attorney’s Office sued for $119 million


TEMPE, AZ — Prentice Williams has filed a complaint in the United States District Court in Phoenix. The former Arizona State University football player’s January 26 lawsuit names several Tempe City employees. Former Senior Assistant City Attorney Andrew Ching and current Assistant City Attorney Kara Stanek are among those named.

The battle between Williams, Tempe and its police department is not new. The first lawsuit was filed in 2006. It named Tempe Police Officers Mike Wallace, Matt Worbington, and Mike Warren. The instant lawsuit seeks $119 million in damages.

Williams played for the Sun Devils from … Read Entire Article


by Brian A. Wilkins

There seems to be this perception that I, and most other Nubian American men, look at all police officers the same. We hate them all. We look at them all, in general, as thugs, terrorists, racist whiteboys, and house negroes. I cannot think of anything more false than that premise. In fact, when I was in high school, my friend Ross and I always dreamed about being “crime fighters” (police officers) in the daytime and working at a video store at night, so we could always watch as many movies as we wanted to for
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Winnfield, Louisiana Terrorist Scott Nugent Trial Set for July 13

UPDATED 10/29/2010: Inbred Cop Scott Nugent Acquitted Of All Charges

UPDATED 10/16/2010: Winn Parish D.A. Desperately Trying For All-“White” Jury

Confederate justice is well underway in the “manslaughter” trial of Winnfield, Louisiana killer cop Scott Nugent, which jury selection started this past Monday. District Attorney R. Christopher Nevils filed a motion to change the venue of the trial, wanting to move it to the “whitest” jurisdiction possible. Nevils wrote that all potential “black” jurors are “tainted” because of pre-trial publicity of the January 17, 2008 cold-blooded murder (Note: thetowntalk.com link is now defunct).

The motion also asks the Court to Read Entire Article

Kyran Jones Should Be Rewarded, Released From Prison

by Brian A. Wilkins

2/7/2009 (links and photos updated August 1, 2019)

ORIGINAL LINK: http://blog.operation-nation.com/2009/02/07/kyran-jones-should-be-rewarded-released-from-prison.aspx

Mr. Kyran Jones
Kyran Jones, 28, was sentenced to seven years in prison by a Maricopa County Superior Court judge on October 24, 2008 for “assaulting” Tempe Police Sgt. Mike Horn. Horn was the Tempe Police public information officer when the original employment application of Tempe Police Chief Tom Ryff mysteriously disappeared after being requested by the East Valley Tribune.
According to tempepolicecloset.com, an online forum of current and former Tempe police officers, Horn told the newspaper that the application had been
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Day 40: Hurricane Gustav, The Comedian D.O., and Sex With Female Guard

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Saturday, August 30th.

Another day, more milestones. Today, after work from the U of Phoenix, I would have been on my way to Las Vegas. There was this high-stakes fantasy football league I was going to enter. I’d specifically saved up for the entry fee for months since it wasn’t cheap. But I looked at it as an investment; a fun investment which I felt very confident in getting a return. But, like everything else, it doesn’t matter now. I have absolutely no idea what’s going on in the
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Day 39: Battle Of Attrition

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Friday, August 29. I’m trying to get as many of these published as possible. With the Notice of Claim being served on Tempe Police and the research I’ve been doing in the event I’m forced to file a federal lawsuit (and the fact I’m virtually homeless) I haven’t had the time to get these done.  

The longer I am in here, the more at a loss for words I become. This has now become a battle of attrition. I’m mostly battling myself and my will to survive. I
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Dymond Milburn Assault By Police Ignored by Euro-American Media

by Brian A. Wilkins
2/1/2009 (links and photos updated December 9, 2018)

UPDATED February 10, 2009

After a SECOND mistrial, Dymond Larae Milburn, now 15, will no longer face charges of assaulting Galveston, TX police officers. The whole case was ridiculous to begin with and once again, the thug cops will get off without facing any criminal charges. The only justice young Dymond may get will be in civil court. All I know is that if I had a daughter and thug cops or any other thugs that attacked her that way, all of them would have … Read Entire Article

Tempe Police Officers Have DUI Quota

1/31/2009 (links updated July 5, 2019)

Ever been pulled over by Tempe Police? Did the arresting officer grill you about possibly being under the influence of alcohol…even though it was 1 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon and you were only out driving because you were on your lunch break from work? Perhaps it was the end of the month and the potential arresting officer had not filled their quota for DUI arrests for the month.

The memo, dated January 16, 2009, doesn’t lie. CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL PDF DOCUMENT. Tempe “V Squad” Police officers … Read Entire Article

New RNC Chairman Michael Steele is GOP’s Next Sarah Palin

UPDATED 3/3/2009
Act II of the Michael Steele puppet show has moved him past Sarah Palin as the GOP’s ultimate puppet. 

So I thought the “hip-hop makeover” comment Steele made a couple weeks ago was embarrassing. Now Steele is cowering to the Limbaugh character who is apparently, as a radio talk show host, more respected by the GOP than their elected chairman. The irony in all this is the fact Steele’s puppet comments were made on CNN’s puppet news show, “D.L. Hughley Breaks The News” this past weekend. Steele first said Limbaugh is “an entertainer” and that some of his Read Entire Article

AUDIO: Tempe Police Chief Tom Ryff Encourages Lying, Cheats on His Wife

by Brian A. Wilkins
1/30/2009 (updated April 16, 2011)

ORIGINAL LINK: http://blog.operation-nation.com/2009/01/30/tempe-police-chief-tom-ryff-encourages-lying-cheats-on-his-wife.aspx

—It appears Ryff may have forced the shutdown of Tempepolicecloset.com. Read about this, and the stories of several Tempe residents which Ryff and his organization destroyed their lives. —

Tempe Police Chief Tom Ryff is devoid of any/all credibility and honor. The tapes were obtained sometime in 1997 when Ryff was a Tempe police lieutenant.

Some, including the Tempe City Manager and City Attorney, have questioned the timeliness and authenticity of the tapes. The aforementioned individuals
are blocking the FBI from reviewing a full, unedited version of the tapes
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