Porterville (CA) Police Thugs Murder Unarmed Vincent Steen

by Brian A. Wilkins
1/14/2010 (links, videos, and photos updated December 9, 2018)

Judging from the past three months in Porterville, CA – about 70 miles southeast of Fresno – police policy there is shoot to kill any citizen who embarrasses them, bruises their egos, or refuses to play along with their harassment.

The latter is what happened to Mr. Vincent Steen, a burly 6’4 former amateur league football player, who was murdered in cold blood by Porterville police thugs on Sunday, January 10.

This all started when Mr. Steen was minding his own business, riding his bicycle. … Read Entire Article

Franklin Park (IL) Police Thugs Murder Unarmed Dan Mojziszek

by Brian A. Wilkins
1/14/2010 (links and photos updated November 19, 2018)

You can now be given a summary death sentence by U.S. cops for having a bad driving record.

Mr. Dan Mojziszek became the first victim in 2010 of this new police state policy in our country, when he was murdered in cold-blood by Franklin Park, Illinois police thugs on Monday,  January 11. Franklin Park is about 20 miles southeast of Chicago O’Hare Airport, along the shores of Lake Michigan.

A father, musician, and former band director, Mr. Mojziszek was bi-polar and diabetic, and sometimes did not … Read Entire Article

Memphis (TN) Police Thugs Murder 66-Year-Old Louis Kimbro; Shot 30 Times

by Brian A. Wilkins
1/13/2010 (links and photos updated December 9, 2018)

Let the coverup begin because there is simply no justification for shooting a half-paralyzed, 66-year-old man 30 times.

This past Saturday, January 9, Ms. Nancy Jones made the biggest mistake of her life: she called police for help. Jones, who is the sister of Mr. Louis Kimbro, called police because her brother – who was on several medications after having at least one stroke and one heart attack in his life  – was trying to pry open doors in her home with a butcher knife.

When Memphis … Read Entire Article

AZ D.O.C. “Interim” Director Charles L. Ryan Trying to Murder Anant Kumar Tripati?

LATEST ANANT TRIPATI appeal: Arizona Court of Appeals, August 29, 2018 decision.

UPDATED 1/15/2010: Ryan Accelerates Attempts To Murder Tripati…And Cover It Up

One day after Mrs. Kristnamma Tripati sent a letter to Governor Jan Brewer and the state legislature, ADC Director Charles Ryan seems to have ordered his goons to withhold food from Mr. Anant Kumar Tripati until he starves to death. Ryan will then tell media that Mr. Tripati was on a “hunger strike” to justify the murder. Mrs. Tripati wrote a second letter to the governor, also detailing how ADC employees are now stealing and destroying Read Entire Article

Protesters Continue Putting Pressure On Arpaio

by Brian A. Wilkins

One day after reports surfaced that a federal grand jury is investigating Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and his obvious criminal activities, protesters gathered in front of the Wells Fargo Building in downtown Phoenix (where Arpaio’s office is located) this afternoon to keep the pressure on the criminal Sheriff. Here are photos from the protest.

Many of the people who took part in the protest are part of the Puente Movement, a human rights organization which uses non-violent protests to eradicate political, economic, and religious intolerance.

Puente has also organized a March For Human RightsRead Entire Article

VIDEO: MCSO Deputy Adam Stoddard On “Bomb Threat Duty”

by Brian A. Wilkins

I wonder what it’d be like for a judge to order you to serve time in jail, but then you never actually serve the time, then return to the career you had prior to the alleged stay in jail, in spite of the charges rendered against you. You may ask Maricopa County thug deputy Adam Stoddard for the answer.

As many of you know, the downtown Maricopa County Court Complex on 1st Avenue and Washington was evacuated today because of a bomb threat; coincidentally only one day after reports surfaced of a federal grand jury investigating the blatantly obvious criminal activities of … Read Entire Article

Philadelphia Thug Cop Frank Tepper Fired From Police Force

UPDATED April 5, 2012: Tepper sentenced to life in prison

A one in a million incidence of justice happened here. William and Karen Panas will never see their son Billy again, at least not in this lifetime. But at least the killer will die a slow, painful death in prison without the possibility of parole.

UPDATED 2/10/2010: Tepper Charged With Murder

Mr. Seth Williams, the Philadelphia D.A. who took office in early January, has just proven to American citizens that a select few prosecutors are in office FOR THE PEOPLE. Mr. Williams, in one of his first, and likely most Read Entire Article

Fairfax County (VA) Police Thugs Continue Hiding Details In David Masters Murder

by Brian A. Wilkins
1/3/2010 (links and photos updated December 16, 2018)

UPDATED May 7, 2015: Fairfax County releases dash cam video of David Masters murder.

It only took them six years to do so; and it’s worse than originally expected. The gunshots start at the 2:45 mark in the video. You can hear other cops saying, “WHOA, WHOA, what the fuck are doing dude? Come on!” In other words, one blood-thirsty, trigger-happy thug murdered Masters and the other cops present knew it. Watch for yourself.


It was Friday, November 13, 2009 when former U.S. Army … Read Entire Article

Federal Appeals Court Rules TASER Incident “Excessive Force”

by Brian A. Wilkins
01/03/2010 (links updated December 10, 2018)

ORIGINAL LINK: http://blog.operation-nation.com/2010/01/03/federal-appeals-court-rules-taser-incident-excessive-force.aspx

Taser X26
Pay attention police thugs: an American who is distraught after you pull them over for a seatbelt violation cannot be subject to TASERs. Though a “reasonable” cop should know this is common sense, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a U.S. District Court judge’s decision Monday, making TASERs “excessive force” under the Fourth Amendment in certain situations.

This case began back in the summer of 2005 when Mr. Carl Bryan, who was 21-years-old at the time, was pulled over by police twice in a … Read Entire Article

You Decide: My Pro Se Petitions in the Arizona Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and U.S. District Court

by Brian A. Wilkins
12/29/2009 (updated December 17, 2019)

UPDATE May 12, 2012: Arizona Supreme Court disbars Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas and his deputy Lisa Aubuchon.

It’s too little to late for me. But this thug will never be able to do to anyone else what he did to me.


Thomas “outrageously exploited power, flagrantly fostered fear, and disgracefully misused the law” for malicious prosecutions, according to the panel. The guy responsible for all this crap going on in my life is no longer a lawyer, elected or otherwise, in Arizona.

But the damage … Read Entire Article