Observations From A Federal Rule 16 Conference

by Brian A. Wilkins
3/3/2010 (links updated November 6, 2018)

As many of you know, the federal lawsuit vs. Mea Culpa County and Joke Arpaio I filed last year is now in the discovery stages, which led me to a first actual court appearance yesterday for what is called a Rule 16 Conference. I guess this is the stage where attorneys and parties are supposed to use the proverbial “I cannot comment on pending litigation” jazz, but the truth of the matter is, I have absolutely nothing to hide, as everything being litigated in this lawsuit has … Read Entire Article

Arizona Highway Patrol (DPS) Taser, Murder Unarmed Mark Morse

by Brian A. Wilkins
2/8/2010 (links and photos updated December 11, 2018)

It seems several “police agencies,” especially those within the jurisdiction of the Ninth Circuit Federal Court Of Appeals (like Arizona), didn’t get the memo regarding excessive force claims when Tasers are used on American citizens without good cause.

That court’s groundbreaking decision did not deter an unnamed Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) thug cop, who murdered Mr. Mark Andrew Morse early in the morning last Thursday, February 4, by shooting him with a Taser.

Details of the murder are very sketchy at this time. One Read Entire Article

Portland (OR) Police Thug Murders Unarmed Aaron Campbell

UPDATED February 8, 2012: Portland settles Campbell family lawsuit for $1.2 million.

UPDATED November 16, 2010: Portland Police thug Frashour fired

UPDATED May 12, 2010: Portland Police Chief Rosie Sizer fired

This comes one day after she publicly criticized Portland Mayor Sam Adams. The drama continues.

UPDATED 2/5/2010: Portland Police Commissioner Dan Saltzman Allegedly Wants To Make Grand Jury Probe Public

I’ll believe it when I see it (though Chief Ken Farmer of the Bella Vista, AR Police Dept. should at least pay attention to this). Grand jury proceedings have always been closed to the public and the transcripts subsequently Read Entire Article

Phoenix Police Could Easily Save 75-100 Jobs

by Brian A. Wilkins

As news broke that budget problems will cause the Phoenix Police Department to eliminate 350 jobs, mostly cops on the street, the Chief/Public Safety Manager Jack Harris has the dirty nerve to act like his double-dipping salary and the salaries of several “sergeants” are not partly to blame.

Harris is best described by the very informative website badphoenixcops.com, as nothing more than “a civilian with a gun.” It should also be noted that Harris said department executives and middle management have all agreed to take 7 percent paycuts to try and save some jobs, but he fails … Read Entire Article

NYPD, Pittsburgh (PA) Thug Cops Brutally Assault Unarmed, Handcuffed Men

by Brian A. Wilkins
1/26/2010 (links and photos updated December 9, 2018)

Mr. Jordan Miles (pictured above) was an 18-year-old college-bound viola player in a jazz band before January 12, 2010. He was attending one of the best creative arts high schools in the state of Pennsylvania. Unfortunately Mr. Miles became “a black” in the United States at about 11pm on that aforementioned Tuesday night.

Mr. Miles exited his mother’s home and began walking to his grandmother’s place, where he had planned to spend the night. A few minutes into the walk, three men (none of whom had … Read Entire Article

Bella Vista (AR) Police Thugs Murder James Patrick Ahern; Trying To Cover It Up


NOTICE: There will be a memorial service for James Ahern in Omaha on Saturday 6/19/2010.

The memorial will be held at Creighton Prep Chapel, 7400 Western Avenue, Omaha, NE. The service starts at 10:00 AM. There will be time given during the mass for friends to get up and talk about Mr. Ahern. This service was set up by some of Mr. Ahern’s friends in Omaha since there was no funeral service there. All of Mr. Ahern’s friends, family, and supporters are welcome to join in celebrating his life.

UPDATED 4/20/2010: Brackney Charged With Manslaughter

UPDATED 3/15/2010: FBI Read Entire Article

Rodney Smith Case: “South Mountain Shooter” Continues Waiting For Trial

by Brian A. Wilkins
1/21/2010 (links updated February 1, 2023)

ORIGINAL LINK: http://blog.operation-nation.com/2010/01/21/rodney-smith-case-south-mountain-shooter-continues-waiting-for-trial.aspx


In case you’re wondering why Operation Nation has not given an update on the case of Rodney Smith, Jr. – the alleged “South Mountain Shooter” who was forced to defend himself with his pistol at South Mountain Community College in South Phoenix back on July 24, 2008 – it’s because…there is no update.

Mr. Smith, now 24-years-old, has been on house arrest with an ankle-monitor since late October 2008, waiting for his constitutional right to a public trial by jury. And according to several sources, Mr. Smith is … Read Entire Article

Paul Schene Trial: The Reason Seattle-Area Cops Are Being Killed


Is anyone surprised? Prosecutors say they will retry the police thug, but expect much of the same in any subsequent trial. Not that it matters anyway. Schene was only facing a misdemeanor anyway, and would not have been sentenced to any jail time.

by Brian A. Wilkins

I’m sure you’ve all seen the video by now. But in case its not fresh in your mind, here, again, is monkey-thug King County cop Paul Schene brutally assaulting a then 15-year-old girl because she called him “fat.”

This happened back in late 2008. The video … Read Entire Article

Operation-Nation On the Jeff Farias Radio Show


I was a guest on the Jeff Farias Radio Show on the Martin Luther King Holiday yesterday. Jeff wanted to talk about Operation Nation, Saturday’s rally against Thug Arpaio, and other issues with Maricopa County corruption. Click below to hear the interview in its entirety (about 20 minutes long).

(may take a couple minutes to load)
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Phoenix (AZ) Police Pepper Spray Peaceful Protestors

UPDATED 1/25/2010: Andy Thomas Issues “Direct Complaints” Against Three of the Five Protestors Arrested

Indictment…complaint…whatever you want to call it, Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s homeboy, county attorney Andrew Thomas, has charged Ms. Sarah Grace Daniels and Mr. Jeremiah Henry with “aggravated assault on a police officer” (a Class 2 felony) and Mr. Issa Emadi with “aggravated assault” (a Class 6 felony) and “attempted aggravated assault” (a misdemeanor).  See the press release from the “county attorney’s office” in PDF format HERE.

We have also learned that Mr. Emadi was already offered some B.S.  “plea deal,” which he smartly turned down. Subsequently,
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