“Minimum Force” Bill For Police Introduced In New York State Assembly

by Brian A. Wilkins

New York Assemblywoman Annette Robinson

The list is long, sickening, and a constant reminder that police thugs can murder any “regular” American citizen anytime they want, and have a 99 percent chance of facing zero repercussion.

Mr. Amadou Diallo was 24-years-old, unarmed, and murdered by NYPD thug cops Sean Carroll, Brendan Murphy, Edward McMellon, and Kenneth Boss back in 1999. Though Mr. Diallo was shot 41 times, the police thugs were acquitted of all charges. Mr. Patrick Dorismond was 26-years-old, unarmed, and murdered by NYPD thug cop Anthony Vasquez back in 2000. No charges were … Read Entire Article

America’s Finest Thugs: Crackhead Cops, Rapist Cops, and Much More

by Brian A. Wilkins
5/27/2010 (links and photos updated August 5, 2019)

Police Thugs Michelle Salentine (L) of Platteville (WI) and Shandy Cobane of Seattle.

UNITED STATES — Whenever we take a small break from writing about the daily cop thuggery across the United Police States of America, the next article always turns into one of these summary stories just to get everyone caught up. Those of you still dumb enough to call these Constitutionally-Protected (COP) thugs for help, particularly after this round of malevolence, well, God help you.

We start in Plateville, Wisconsin; a small town of … Read Entire Article

Arizona SB1070(A) Targets Pedophiles


Fact Sheet For SB1070(A)

Child Pornography, Pedophilia, and Safe Neighborhoods

Requires officials and agencies of the state and political subdivisions to fully comply with and assist in the enforcement of federal child pornography and pedophilia laws and gives citizens of Arizona subpoena power in certain investigations of individuals who look reasonably suspicious as to storing child pornography on their personal or business computers and/or participate in pedophilia activities.

Requires a reasonable attempt to be made to determine whether certain individuals are in possession of child pornography or participate in pedophilia activities during any legitimate contact … Read Entire Article

Shawshank in Tucson: Corruption, Murder At The Arizona Dept. Of Corrections

by Brian A. Wilkins
5/10/2010 (links and photos updated November 28, 2018)

Arizona D.O.C. Interim Director Charles L. Ryan (L) and Mr. Anant Kumar Tripati (R)

Arizona Department of Corrections Interim Director Charles Ryan may soon be wearing the same orange jumpsuit as his nemesis, Mr. Anant Kumar Tripati.

Those of you who instantly believe everyone in prison is guilty of some disgusting, heinous crime need not read any further. More than 60 percent of U.S. prisoners are incarcerated for non-violent, victimless crimes.

Mr. Tripati is a prisoner-of-war, a pawn of former (and now current Interim) Maricopa County … Read Entire Article

Illinois State Police Thug Who Killed Two Sisters Finally May Be Fired

by Brian A. Wilkins
4/21/2010 (links and photos updated November 28, 2018)

Jessica (L) and Kelli Uhl; and police thug Matt Mitchell.

Ms. Jessica Uhl was 18, and her little sister Kelli was 13 when their lives were taken from them on November 23, 2007. All the while, the Illinois State Police killer cop who took their lives, Matt Mitchell, happily collected on his paid vacation…that is until last week.

Mitchell collected $160,000 in salary for sitting around on his fat ass for 28 months as a reward for killing these two young ladies. Illinois State Police are … Read Entire Article

Bella Vista (AR) Cop Brackney Charged With Manslaughter


NOTICE: There will be a memorial service for James Ahern in Omaha on Saturday 6/19/2010.

The memorial will be held at Creighton Prep Chapel, 7400 Western Avenue, Omaha, NE. The service starts at 10:00 AM. There will be time given during the mass for friends to get up and talk about Mr. Ahern. This service was set up by some of Mr. Ahern’s friends in Omaha since there was no funeral service there. All of Mr. Ahern’s friends, family, and supporters are welcome to join in celebrating his life.

by Brian A. … Read Entire Article

Martinsville (IN) Police Thugs Assault, Taser 10-Year-Old Boy

by Brian A. Wilkins
4/12/2010 (links and photos updated November 28, 2018)

Martinsville, IN police thugs William Jennings (L) and Darren Johnson

Parents may want to listen to this, especially if you live in Indiana: dropping your kid off at a daycare could result in said kid being assaulted and electrocuted by police thugs.

This is what happened on Tuesday, March 30, in the town of Martinsville, IN; about 30 miles southwest of Indianapolis. The town is known for being the home of basketball coaching legend John Wooden. It is also one of the more openly hateful, primitive … Read Entire Article

Rutland (VT) Police Thugs Caught On Tape Attacking Handcuffed Jamek Hart

by Brian A. Wilkins
4/12/2010 (links and photos updated November 28, 2018)

It seems every New Year’s Eve, a young black man is either murdered or assaulted by police thugs somewhere in this country (see Oscar Grant). This past celebration of the new year is no different.

It was at Jilly’s Bar on the early morning of January 1, when 26-year-old Mr. Jamek Hart apparently got a little too drunk  and started acting like drunk people do. Mr. Hart was outside the bar “flailing his arms” and “yelling” at police, according to the police report (which obviously must … Read Entire Article

Prairie Village (KS) Police Thugs Continue Withholding Information After Murdering Susan Stuckey

by Brian A. Wilkins
4/12/2010 (links and photos updated January 1, 2020)

PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS —  Local police shot Ms. Susan L. Stuckey three times, once in the back, in her own apartment on Wednesday morning, March 31. Prairie Village cops claim that Stuckey, 47, was “acting erratic” and “made threats” against them with a weapon.  Today is Monday, April 12. No information has been released regarding this alleged weapon. It’s also unclear why this woman was shot three times in her own home.

Watch a report KCTV Channel 5 in Kansas City.


Police say they went … Read Entire Article

Southwest City (MO) Police Thug Brian Massa Murders Bobby Stacy

ORIGINAL LINK: http://blog.operation-nation.com/2010/04/06/southwest-city-mo-police-thug-brian-massa-the-killer-of-bobby-stacy.aspx

UPDATED 4/15/2010: Internet Forum For McDonald County Shut Down

In an area as tiny as McDonald County, MO, citizens have few forums and/or message boards to voice their concerns regarding the murder of Mr. Bobby Stacy by Southwest City (MO) police thug Brian Massa. Now it appears they have one less.

We were emailed a link to the McDonald County Forums (now defunct). It is a message board for members of the community. The murder of Mr. Stacy has been a hot topic, and apparently too hot. The administrator of the forum, who calls him/herself … Read Entire Article