Recession, Retaliation Fueling Recent Cop Killing Trends In USA

by Brian A. Wilkins
5/15/2009 (links, photos, and videos updated December 8, 2018)

Three men, in a span of about five weeks, combined to kill nine cops and injure another. Joshua Cartwright, above, was a member of the U.S. Army reserves when he shot and killed two Okaloosa County (Florida) deputies after they Tasered him on April 25.

Lovelle Mixon shot five Oakland cops, killing four, after they tried to arrest him on March 21.

Richard Poplawski shot and killed three Pittsburgh (PA) cops after they tried to arrest him on April 4. Poplawski is the only … Read Entire Article

Liberty City Seven: U.S. Justice System Convicts Men Entrapped by FBI

by Brian A. Wilkins
5/14/2009 (links and photos updated September 3, 2019)

Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly can say on his radio show, “if al-Qaeda wants to blow up San Francisco, go right ahead.” Texas governor Rick Perry can say “we (Texas) may secede from the union.” Euro-American male police can murder unarmed men and receive “quasi-judicial immunity” from any sort of liability, after of course, getting a paid vacation (paid administrative leave). GOP leader Rush Limbaugh can get caught several times with illegal drugs, and not get sent to prison.

The point … Read Entire Article

Day 45: Another Court Date Set, Another Pod Meeting, and Poker

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Thursday, September 4, 2008. Click here for the complete “55 Days In Maricopa County Jail” series.

I called the Public Pretender’s office again today and found out I have court on September 16. Apparently this judge will now hear the motion that new lawyer, Michael Ziemba, filed to modify my release conditions. But who are they fooling? It’s court, it’s court in Arizona, and it’s court in the U.S. Justice System, and I’m “a black.” These court dates are basically an excuse for these people to shackle you up and squeeze … Read Entire Article

Day 44: Farewell Letter/Will to Mom and Sarah Palin for Veep

by Brian A. Wilkins

This letter corresponds with Wednesday, September 3, 2008. Click here to view the complete “55 Days In Maricopa County Jail” series.

Damn! I’m writing this morning, so that means I woke up again. Soon, I’ll have total control of that though. I think I’ve grown about as thick of a beard as I possibly can. Doesn’t really matter what I look like in here, so why not. And its been at least two months since I’ve had a haircut. I’m even having dreams now that the manifest content is basically telling me to kill  myself. … Read Entire Article

Day 43: Monster’s “to do list” and My Soon-To-Be Free Spirit

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Tuesday, September 2, 2008. Click here for the complete “55 Days in Maricopa County Jail” series.

I’m solidly and unequivocally convinced that the only way I’m going to wake up and not be severely depressed and unhappy is if I don’t wake up at all. This infinite sadness is by far the worst, even for my life. Court dates and facts mean nothing. They are nothing more than puppet shows for Euro-America’s justice system. It just sucks that upon my exits from here, there will be pain involved. But that pain … Read Entire Article

Day 42: Peach vs. Pasty and Prayer For Eternal Sleep

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Monday, September 1, 2008. Click here for the complete  “55 Days In Maricopa County Jail” series.

I’m now on the welcome mat of the Grim Reaper’s house. I cannot believe it is now September. I have been in here since July; entirely too long. Death and I would be well acquainted if it weren’t for Rodney. I would feel like I’m letting him down if I gave up. But the bottom line is, I’m not going to make it much longer. Sleeping in filth, consisting of smelly, dirty clothes and a … Read Entire Article

Day 41: 18 Hours of Sleep and Helping Rodney

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Sunday, August 31, 2008. For those of you who this is the first “55 Days in Maricopa County jail” blog entry you’re coming across, I kept a journal during my 55(-ish) days of being held hostage there. Click here to read them all in order (scroll to the bottom for Day 1). I doubt I will live to see New Year’s Eve 2009-2010, as either I’ll be murdered by Maricopa County Sheriff’s goons or Tempe Police goons; or I’ll have a stroke or heart attack; or these people will try and Read Entire Article

Maricopa County Sheriff’s Deputies Should Layoff the Steroids

by Brian A. Wilkins


This video is downright embarrassing and is the perfect reason, along with acne problems, to not use steroids. Here is the roid-rage protest Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s goons held to support their favorite clown while Congress held investigative conferences over MCSO’s protocol of arresting random “Mexican-looking” people:

There is a very simple, very obvious solution if you people really want to, and have a goal of, enforcing illegal immigration laws: how about arresting business owners and managers who hire illegal immigrants as well. Arresting 15 “Mexican-looking” people just means 100 more will replace them
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VIDEO: 3 Pittsburgh Cops Killed by Richard Poplawski

UPDATED 4/5/2009 9:12 a.m. PST
I doubt this matter to Euro-American media either, as this story is already yesterday’s news. The hip-hop influence on impressionable “blacks,” and the Fox News/Limbaugh influence on impressionable “white.” Which is worse? I’d say the latter, as they own and dominate media. Operation Nation predicts no large nationwide funeral for the Pittsburgh cops killed, as there was in Oakland, and no Wikipedia page will be created about Poplawski either. And if there is, he will be made out to be a “troubled young man” and that
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