Day 3: “Slop,” emu, institutionalized segregation, and Sheriff Joe Arpaio

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Thursday, July 24. I did not have a chance to get out of there until July 29, the next court date. My new job at the University of Phoenix was to start Monday, July 28 and all I could think about was if I was going to be able to make it there.

Though I was more tired than I’d probably ever been in my life, I only slept solidly for a couple of hours. Not only was that cell approaching 55 degrees, but the air conditioning vent was only 3 … Read Entire Article

Quick Response and Keen Observat: Tempe Police Caught Lying Yet Again

by Brian A. Wilkins

How many outright lies did M. Wallace (#16814) and T. Johnson (#18490) have to tell to cover their malicious arrest and incarceration of Brian Wilkins on July 22, 2008? Like their boy Chuck Schoville said, they must always be right because they have badges and guns.

The Keystone Cops are at it again. I never really bothered looking closely at this initial report Wallace and Johnson of the Tempe Police placed on the internet for all to see.<<UPDATE Feb 3, 2009: Predictably, The City of Tempe has now removed all remnants of this page from its Read Entire Article

Day 2: More “Matrix,” medical, and “LBJ”

by Brian A. Wilkins

This is Day 2 of the “55 Days in Maricopa County Jail” series. This was July 23, 2008. Note: Some names in the story are deliberately changed to protect the identities of those who did not give me permission to use their name.

It had to be well after midnight and I hadn’t moved a muscle in over 6 hours. Many of the 70+ men in the “tank” had lied down on the filthy concrete floor hours ago and fell asleep. Many of them had their face a few inches from someone else’s butt; others were contorted in position I’ve … Read Entire Article

Day 1: Tempe Jail and “The Matrix”

by Brian A. Wilkins

This is Day 1 of the 55 days I spent in Maricopa County Jail.

It was about 4 a.m. on Tuesday, July 22 when I was put into a cold, empty cell; not knowing what was going to happen next. I assume it was located at the Tempe police complex near 5th Street and Mill Ave. I was really tired, but had no intentions of sleeping in there. I went down to my knees, faced a wall, and just stared blankly at it for who-knows-how-long.

An hour or so later, a female cop came by … Read Entire Article

Who are 11 Tempe Police Officers on “Brady List?”

By Brian A. Wilkins
11/12/08 (links updated December 1, 2018)

Maricopa County had a total of 328 officers on its “rogue” list at last check in 2007 (Updated September 2010). Tempe Police Department did not allow the county to release the names of its 11 officers on that list. T. Johnson (#18490) and M. Wallace (#16814), if they aren’t already on it, will be after all this (NOTE: Tempe has 24 cops on the 2010 Brady List linked above)

First, what is the “Brady List?”

The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 6-2 decision (… Read Entire Article

BREAKING NEWS: Rodney Smith’s Bond Lowered

Smith’s family will post bond tonight.

by Brian A. Wilkins


The alleged “South Mountain Shooter” will walk out of the Maricopa County Lower Buckeye Jail within the next 24 hours. Superior Court Commissioner Phemonia Miller heard arguments this morning from defense attorney Marci Kratter highlighting Smith’s educational accomplishments, no prior criminal record, and strong family ties. Smith’s mother and brother also took the stand on behalf of Smith. The prosecution objected to lowering the bond, but the judge ruled in favor of the defense.

“I could tell the judge had sympathy for my case,” Smith said. “In my heart of … Read Entire Article

Is this Red Sox @ Rays on TBS not working everywhere?

By Brian A. Wilkins

What the hell is going on? It is now 5:19 pm Pacific Time, and the Red Sox/Rays game was supposed to be on 15 minutes ago! The game DID in fact commence, as I see its in the middle of the 1st inning on several online scoreboards. Has this ever happened in television sports history? I think the worst I’ve ever seen was NBC and the “OJ white Bronco” being broadcast while GAME 5 of the NBA Finals, Knicks @ Rockets, was shown in a tiny corner window of the television screen.

I assume that blur in the corner is the Read Entire Article

The Rodney Smith Profile

By Brian A. Wilkins



-born January 13, 1986 in Phoenix, Arizona at Thunderbird Hospital.

-attended Whittier Elementary School in Mesa from kindergarten through sixth grade.


-“I loved being at school,” said Rodney. “I had perfect attendance almost every year.”

-attended Ed and Verma Pastor Junior High in South Phoenix

-was valedictorian of 8th grade class.


-“I … Read Entire Article

ABC Attacks Obama; allows Clinton a pass on Bosnia, Mark Penn

The ABC/Disney/ESPN monopoly wastes 45 minutes grilling Obama on 30-second Jeremiah Wright clip and “bitter” comment. Clinton says American people should “look over” the Bosnia exaggeration. ABC’s Clinton-supporting moderators concurred.

ABC has cemented itself as Diet Fox News. Who the hell does that pompous Charlie Gibson character think he is? Reminds me of this dusty, dirty old man I had to work with here on a Phoenix radio station. It’s just more proof that anybody, whether educated at the Ajax School of Basket-Weaving or Stanford, can be a head-o-phile on these Euro-American media conglomerates if they fit the description.

The … Read Entire Article

U.S. White Chick Justice Should Prevail in Lakeland, Florida (Mulberry High School) Beating Case

UPDATED July 2, 2009: Mercades Nichols violates probation, sent to jail

She apparently stole her grandmother’s car and drove it through the neighbor’s lawn just to make them mad. This is what happens when white thugs get white justice. They become lifelong criminals. But it is what it is.

UPDATED March 20, 2009: Brittini Hardcastle gets 15 days in jail.

She was the primary attacker in the video. Kayla Hassall received one year of juvenile probation. Charges were dropped against Cara Murphy, Zachary Ashley, and Stephen Schumaker.

UPDATED March 6, 2009: Mayes, Nichols sentenced

Britney Mayes was sentenced to probation Read Entire Article