Gay Is The New Jew, Not The New Black

by Brian A. Wilkins
5/21/2009 (links and photos updated December 10, 2018)


“I know your afflictions and your poverty–yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.” Revelation 2:9

Man-on-man marriage, the most recent in several European-cultural movements throughout their history, has become what may lead to another European-created “race” and possibly another colony, along the same lines as Israel.

Homosexuals in the United States have carved out a power niche, comparable to that of their Euro-Jewish counterparts in Read Entire Article

Preliminary Hearing For Terrorist Johannes Mehserle Under Way

UPDATED 6/5/2009: Mehserle Will Face Murder Charge At Trial

Now his sidekick, Tony Pirone, the other thug cop involved needs to be indicted for perjury, since he lied repeatedly on the stand under oath. There is a good chance terrorist Mehserle will try and flee the country, which is why he needs to be put on some sort of ankle monitoring system immediately. The domestic terorist will be arraigned for murder on June 18. Meanwhile, Euro-American cop lovers are still crying innocence for the terrorist. Just read the message boards.

UPDATED 6/4/2009: BART Thug Pirone Admits Oscar Grant Posed

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Rodney Smith Could Use Drew Peterson’s Lawyer

by Brian A. Wilkins


If only Rodney E. Smith Jr., the alleged “South Mountain Shooter” who Euro-American media was obsessed with for about three days after the July 24 incident last year, had millions of dollars or was a former thug cop.

Mr. Smith has been entangled in the Maricopa County justice system since that day he was forced to protect himself from the same attackers who jumped him and broke his jaw eight months prior. Not only does Maricopa County prosecutor Heather Wicht continue to arrogantly and comfortably violate Arizona’s conflict of interest statuteRead Entire Article

Arpaio: Eat Jail Food To End Hunger Strike

by Brian A. Wilkins
5/19/2009 (links updated September 3, 2019)

As many of you already know, inmates at three Maricopa County jail facilities have been on a hunger strike for the past week, while some have been participating since the beginning of the month. One of America’s premiere thug cop clowns, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, has said the facilities will be on “lockdown” until inmates start eating again.

This column will be short and to the point. It is only the evening “meal,” aka “the slop” that inmates are refusing to eat, because it … Read Entire Article

CBS Sports Tries, Fails To Bully Operation-Nation over Bob Wenzel video

by Brian A. Wilkins
5/17/2009 (links and photos updated January 30, 2019)

This all started when Operation-Nation published this video, entitled “Bob Wenzel Insults ‘Africans’ During NCAA Tournament” on Youtube on April 7, 2009. I wrote about this game, and Wenzel’s comments, the day it happened as well.)

A day later,  I received this email from Youtube:

Dear dabeesta17,

This is to notify you that we have removed access to your video, CBS’s Bob Wenzel Insults “Africans” During NCAA Tournament, as a result of a notification by CBS claiming that this material is infringing.
Please Note: Accounts

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Day 50: Zoo Animals, “Black Mafia,” and More Death Pondering

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Tuesday, September 9, 2008. Click here for the complete “55 Days In Maricopa County Jail” series. You can also go back to Day 1 and read forward. This is the final day being published here on Operation-Nation. The remaining eight days and full story will be published in a book, in due course.

Another day in the zoo. Since most of the guys I considered friends are now gone, there are only a few human-like beings in here and they all make funny noises and smell bad. From pounding on tables, … Read Entire Article

Day 49: White Dude Returns From Medical, Dreams, and More Death Pondering

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Monday, September 8, 2008. Click here for the complete “55 Days In Maricopa County Jail” series.

Well, no bones were thrown today. Monday is usually clean towel and boxer day, but that didn’t happen. Oh well, animals can apparently live like this. When I was in line for “morning chow,” I saw that white dude who got beat down the other day. He had a cast on his right arm, a bandage above one of his eyes, and his face was totally fucked up. And the funny part of it was … Read Entire Article

Day 48: NFL Opening Day and Executive Order 9066

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Sunday, September 7, 2008. Click here for the complete “55 Days In Maricopa County Jail” series.

Today would normally, in a normal year, be one of the most fun and most anticipated days on the calendar: NFL opening day. It’s not only the first day of NFL Sunday Ticket on DirecTV, but also the first time you get to see in action the results of your fantasy football drafts. I would have probably invited “Anne” over (because she’s a Packers fan), ordered Buffalo Wings from Tessios, and got a 12 pack … Read Entire Article

Day 47: 16 Days Left and The Worst Beatdown I’ve Ever Seen

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Saturday, September 6, 2008. Click here for the complete “55 Days In Maricopa County Jail” series.

The noise from the doors (as always) woke me up and I realized today would be the first full day of college football. Or was that last Saturday? I know there were a few games on last Saturday, but who knows. Oh well, I’ll only be around for 16 more days. I have to hide the sharpened comb in the rims of the toilet, otherwise if those steroid SRT people come and tear up the … Read Entire Article

Day 46: Emory Boards, Another Poker Table Fight, and The Countdown To Freedom

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Friday, September 5, 2008. Click here for the complete “55 Days In Maricopa County Jail.” As of today (May 16), I still do not know whether or not a federal judge will hear my habeas corpus petition. Again, I don’t stay at Holiday Inn Expresses and I’m not a lawyer. I screwed up by amending the petition a first time (which is legally ok), but accidentally removed the Arizona Attorney General as an “additional respondent,” which is required as a respondent according to Local Rules of Civil Procedure. I amended the
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