Tag Archives: Oakland

Preliminary Hearing For Terrorist Johannes Mehserle Under Way

UPDATED 6/5/2009: Mehserle Will Face Murder Charge At Trial

Now his sidekick, Tony Pirone, the other thug cop involved needs to be indicted for perjury, since he lied repeatedly on the stand under oath. There is a good chance terrorist Mehserle will try and flee the country, which is why he needs to be put on some sort of ankle monitoring system immediately. The domestic terorist will be arraigned for murder on June 18. Meanwhile, Euro-American cop lovers are still crying innocence for the terrorist. Just read the message boards.

UPDATED 6/4/2009: BART Thug Pirone Admits Oscar Grant Posed

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San Francisco Chronicle, Wikipedia, Oakland PD Convict Mixon of Rape

by Brian A. Wilkins

ORIGINAL LINK: http://blog.operation-nation.com/2009/03/26/san-francisco-chronicle-oakland-pd-convict-mixon-of-rape.aspx

Lovelle Mixon

OAKLAND – – San Francisco Chronicle reporter Jaxon Van Derbeken headlined his March 25 article “Cop Killer Suspected of Raping 12-year-old.” Derbeken said Lovelle Mixon, the 26-year-old man who killed four Oakland cops and injured another, “dragged the 12-year-old off the street at gunpoint.” Mixon committed five other rapes as well, according to Derbeken. His source is the Oakland Police Department, which is desperately trying to create the motive “Mixon killed cops because he’s a child rapist.”

The Oakland PD released the alleged DNA evidence after Mixon killed the

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Death Penalty Immediately For Johannes Mehserle

UPDATED 3/3/2009: Oscar Grant’s Family Files $50 million Federal Lawsuit vs. Bay Area Transit, Terrorist Johannes Mehserle, et al.

The Bay Area Transit authority apparently let the 45 day window expire that they are afforded by law to pay the original $25 million notice of claim served on them by the Grant’s in January. The Grant’s should not settle for a penny less than the full $50 million. Thug cops and the cities that house them obviously need to see (and lose) a precedent setting, potentially bankrupting lawsuit like this to stop all the nationwide murders and malicious arrests which Read Entire Article