Category Archives: U.S. and World News

Work is literally killing people

by Kareem Banks
May 29, 2019

It’s easy for Americans to parrot reports about sweatshops in China, slave wages in Mexico, and deaths at diamond mines in South Africa. The United States is seen as a standard-bearer for work conditions in the world, particularly since the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 created a federal minimum wage, overtime pay, and strict rules for child labor. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was established in 1970 and further solidified this reputation. But the reality is that American workers are placing themselves in harms way due to a ruthless capitalistic … Read Entire Article

12 Most Read Operation-Nation Posts: 2008-2011

January 2, 2019

The New OP-NAT EYE launched seven years ago today and most of our new content went there. Black Eye News also launched seven years ago for a place to write content not necessarily related to imperial police thugs.

To celebrate 12 years online (including the old Arizona State University days when this whole thing started as a project from my bedroom), here are the 12 articles that really established Operation-Nation as a true voice of unfiltered, unapologetic truth in the early days.

Gay is the New Jew, Not the New Black (May 21, 2009)


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Former Southwest City (MO) Cop Brian Massa Convicted Of Manslaughter



Mr. Bobby Stacy, right; and killer cop Brian Massa

CASSVILLE, MO — Former Southwest City, Missouri cop Brian Massa used to be part of a Facebook group called “I don’t need anger management…you just need to stop pissing me off!!” Massa will now have plenty of time to address his issues behind bars.

A Barry County jury convicted the killer cop of first-degree involuntary manslaughter last Thursday, nearly two years after Massa killed Mr. Bobby Stacy. The defense told the jury that Massa was forced to shoot Mr. Stacy on March 28, 2010 because … Read Entire Article

GOP Debate: Herman Cain Flip-Flops; Touts His Upside Down 666 Plan



Cain Bernanke Paul

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” Amschel Mayer Rothschild, Federal Reserve Godfather, 1773.

I must first point that I cannot remember a time in my 30-odd years of existence that there were this many debates the year before a U.S. Presidential Election will take place. The one last night at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire was the seventh time we had to endure these G.O.Tea puppet shows in 2011. Ron Paul, R-TX, made it interesting though.

Herman Cain, who is a former Federal Reserve Read Entire Article

“COMET” ELENIN UPDATE: United States Preparing For Martial Law

UPDATED 9/29/2011, 10:51am AZ Time: New “Elenin” Video Says Sept. 30 Is Now “The Day”

I could not verify the claim in the video that, recently, “a man” died after being struck by a meteorite. In fact, there’ve been very few incidents of “death by meteorite” in all of human history. Regardless, here is the video for your viewing pleasure.

UPDATED 9/28/2011, 6:32pm Arizona Time: “Elenin” Passes; Global Ruling Cabal Still In Power

For those hoping for a celestial event to help stimulate the fall of the global European-American-Zionist Empire (my hand is raised), “Comet Elenin” failed to provide it. Read Entire Article

State-Run U.S. Media Call Approaching Comet Elenin/Earth/Sun Alignment “Terrorism”

UPDATED 9/19/2011: United States Preparing for Martial Law (the videos do not lie folks!)

UPDATED 9/19/2011: Many World Leaders In Recess (or in Denver, CO) Sept. 26-28, the next Elenin Alignment

We must first allow that the update below (9/15/2011) regarding President Obama being ordered to a bunker by the U.S. Military on Sept. 27 can be taken with a grain of salt (but not totally discounted). The reporter who broke the story, Sorcha Faal, is known around the internet to disseminate misinformation. However, the report by “Faal” is now becoming more credible.

The United Nation has no scheduled meetings Read Entire Article

Washington D.C. Earthquake…or Underground Nuclear Explosion?

by Brian A. Wilkins
8/26/2011 (links and photos updated December 16, 2019)

WASHINGTON, DC — The U.S. Congress, coincidentally or otherwise, was on recess when a magnitude 5.8 earthquake hit the east coast Tuesday. It shook the nation’s capital and freaked out residents who are unaccustomed to earthquakes. But what shook D.C. may not have been a naturally-occurring quake, according to a report on The most interesting quote from the story is as follows:

“What is missing from the seismograph for the Washington DC area 5.8 magnitude earthquake are the primary or “P” waves. All

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Lawsuit: New York Prisons Using The Word “Inmate” Insinuates Homosexuality

by Brian A. Wilkins
July 8, 2011


Euro-American homosexual culture has continued its rapid 21st century ascent towards being a preferred and accepted lifestyle in the United States. President Barack Obama has shown an affinity for homosexuals in America and several U.S. television sitcoms and dramas have homosexual characters. The culture continues to clash, however, with non-European people.

The latest cultural immiscibility happened in the form of a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court of Eastern New York on June 21. Ms. Marie Domond filed the complaint on behalf of her brother Gerard Domond, who … Read Entire Article

FREE THE SHMINISTIM: Israeli Teens Imprisoned For Refusing Military Service

by Brian A. Wilkins
6/3/2011 (links and videos updated July 1, 2023)

Israeli Shministim (L-R) Tamar Katz, Yuval Ophir-Auron, and Raz Bar-David Varon.

The term Shministim literally translates to “12th grader” in Hebrew. Though exact numbers are not known because of Israeli suppression and media control, a good number of young people in the country are refusing to serve in the Israeli military. Israel has mandatory, statutory military service for all men and women. They are automatically enlisted in the military at age 18 or at the conclusion of 12th grade; whichever comes first. Yes, this is similar to the … Read Entire Article

Remembering The Greenwood District; Tulsa, OK 90 Years Later

by Brian A. Wilkins

The Greenwood District of Tulsa, Oklahoma was known to European American media as “Black Wallstreet” and “Little Africa” because it was the most prosperous city in the USA, and had an all-Black population. Women, children, and men who were freed from forced labor, rape, and murder with the passage of the 13th Amendment in 1868, migrated to Tulsa to build a new life. And that they did. The Greenwood District, by 1921, would claim several hospitals, banks, shopping malls, homes, schools, and churches…all built by and owned by Black Americans. It was the financial, social, … Read Entire Article