Tag Archives: ELE

“COMET” ELENIN UPDATE: United States Preparing For Martial Law

UPDATED 9/29/2011, 10:51am AZ Time: New “Elenin” Video Says Sept. 30 Is Now “The Day”

I could not verify the claim in the video that, recently, “a man” died after being struck by a meteorite. In fact, there’ve been very few incidents of “death by meteorite” in all of human history. Regardless, here is the video for your viewing pleasure.

UPDATED 9/28/2011, 6:32pm Arizona Time: “Elenin” Passes; Global Ruling Cabal Still In Power

For those hoping for a celestial event to help stimulate the fall of the global European-American-Zionist Empire (my hand is raised), “Comet Elenin” failed to provide it. Read Entire Article

State-Run U.S. Media Call Approaching Comet Elenin/Earth/Sun Alignment “Terrorism”

UPDATED 9/19/2011: United States Preparing for Martial Law (the videos do not lie folks!)

UPDATED 9/19/2011: Many World Leaders In Recess (or in Denver, CO) Sept. 26-28, the next Elenin Alignment

We must first allow that the update below (9/15/2011) regarding President Obama being ordered to a bunker by the U.S. Military on Sept. 27 can be taken with a grain of salt (but not totally discounted). The reporter who broke the story, Sorcha Faal, is known around the internet to disseminate misinformation. However, the report by “Faal” is now becoming more credible.

The United Nation has no scheduled meetings Read Entire Article