Author Archives: Brian Wilkins

Tempe Police Officer Whitney Jurjevich Escapes Prosecution

UPDATED June 26, 2019: Former Tempe cop Whitney Jurjevich now a board member for Arizona Self-Storage Association.

2/13/2009 (links updated December 27, 2018)



UPDATED 2/13/2009 2:30 pm MST

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PA — Friday the 13th turned out to be a lucky day for Tempe cop Whitney Jurjevich. Authorities in Montgomery County, PA have decided not to press charges against Jurjevich, the Tempe Police Officer who shot and killed Stan Rosenblatt’s dog, Bruce, while visiting his father January 16.

According to the press release, Jurjevich had the right to carry the … Read Entire Article

Tempe Police Officers Have DUI Quota

1/31/2009 (links updated July 5, 2019)

Ever been pulled over by Tempe Police? Did the arresting officer grill you about possibly being under the influence of alcohol…even though it was 1 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon and you were only out driving because you were on your lunch break from work? Perhaps it was the end of the month and the potential arresting officer had not filled their quota for DUI arrests for the month.

The memo, dated January 16, 2009, doesn’t lie. CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL PDF DOCUMENT. Tempe “V Squad” Police officers … Read Entire Article

Day 36: Paula Abdul Dream, Farewell Letters, and My Obituary

by Brian A. Wilkins



This day corresponds with Tuesday, August 26, 2008.


Another day, another incidence of me waking up in this place. I just woke up in the middle of a dream with Paula Abdul in it. I asked her out on a date and she said yes. What was really funny is when I asked her if she and Ryan Seacrest ever dated? She said, “no, I just have sex with him!” Then she said she hated Ringo Starr; I wasn’t even sure where that came from. Right when she started fixing the collar on Read Entire Article

Day 28: Pod Meeting and New “Black” Head

by Brian A. Wilkins
This day corresponds with Monday, August 18.
Rodney strolled in the cell about 10 a.m., which was kind of early, since both of us usually slept until 1pm everyday. He had just called the public defender’s office to see if his attorney could bring him a copy of the police report. “Man they said my lawyer is at a different number. And the number they gave me doesn’t accept collect calls,” he said. Several attorneys had said they would represent him, but would back out a few days later. I tried to reassure
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Day 22: Last Few Cards To Play, No Lawyer, and Hardy “rolled-up”

by Brian A. Wilkins
This day corresponds with Tuesday, August 12.
I was only awake for three hours today, and not much went on. A guy, who will have to remain anonymous, came into the cell and woke me up around 2pm. “Hey, you know how you like to sleep?” he asked me. I looked at him like he was crazy since I had no idea where he was going with that. “I got some ‘somas’. 3 items for each pill,” he said. I’m not sure exactly what brand, but they were definitely sleeping pills, given to him by
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Day 16: Hopelessness, Heartbrokenness Sinking In

by Brian A. Wilkins
This day corresponds with Wednesday, August 6. Most of the entries will become first-person, present-tense accounts from here on out. Also keep in mind, these blog entries are not the complete story. The time spent in Maricopa County Jail was actually 58 days. There are also details reserved for the book that I’m currently working on.
I’m happy to report my guy Walter Brown, was released from jail a while back (I think on December 17) after more than six months of incarceration. He received probation and promised me and more importantly, HIMSELF,
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Desistance, Suicide Not Synonymous

by Brian A. Wilkins

A tie-in to the “55 Days In Maricopa County Jail” blog.

It is after 3 a.m. In a little more than four hours, I will show up at this call center and telemarket for 9 hours per day, Monday through Friday (and sometimes Saturdays), just to ensure I will eat one meal per day, be able to pay my one-month-behind-and-counting rent and pay the 200-plus annual percentage rate on a car title loan I had to get just to move into the apartment I currently live in. I would not normally be up at 3 … Read Entire Article

Quick Response and Keen Observat: Tempe Police Caught Lying Yet Again

by Brian A. Wilkins

How many outright lies did M. Wallace (#16814) and T. Johnson (#18490) have to tell to cover their malicious arrest and incarceration of Brian Wilkins on July 22, 2008? Like their boy Chuck Schoville said, they must always be right because they have badges and guns.

The Keystone Cops are at it again. I never really bothered looking closely at this initial report Wallace and Johnson of the Tempe Police placed on the internet for all to see.<<UPDATE Feb 3, 2009: Predictably, The City of Tempe has now removed all remnants of this page from its Read Entire Article

United States continues harboring, aiding, and abetting radical Christian terrorists


Latest episode in South Carolina where radical Christian terrorists sell merchandise supporting their group. Radical terror group known as “the KKK” primarily targets “African Americans.” United States would never allow an al-Qaeda or Hamas gift shop because they target American and British white boys.

Inbred American, radical, Christian, European-descendant terrorists continue to enjoy the full protection of U.S. law enforcement, this time in South Carolina. The United States and the Bush-league, continue preaching to the world that terrorism is evil; terrorism is a threat to civilization; radical terrorism hit us on 9/11 (which is up Read Entire Article