Monthly Archives: July 2009

Cambridge (MA) Thug Cop James Crowley Arrests Harvard’s Henry Louis Gates

by Brian A. Wilkins


Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates.

UPDATED July 31, 2009: Obama completely sells out in disgraceful fashion


UPDATED 7/22/2009; 6:00 P.M. PST


Couldn’t have said it better myself Mr. President. Though I’ll simply have to trust you on the AIG and GM bailouts, in that they were “necessary” as you say (since I completely disagree with both), you are right on about this douche-cop from Cambridge.

Douche, thug cop, James Crowley, said he will not apologize for his buffoonery.

———–Original story———

Ok, we all know that you can … Read Entire Article

Paul Schene and King County (WA) Cop Thuggery

by Heidi Peterson
Operation Nation Staff
7/20/2009 (links updated December 8, 2018)

Here is a list of crimes King County government officials committed
and were/are paid while doing and get away with it:

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Pottawattamie County vs. McGhee: Most Important SCOTUS Decision In Decades

UPDATED January 4, 2010: U.S. Supreme Court dismisses Pottawattamie County vs. McGhee.

The case was dismissed pursuant to Rule 46. The parties settled the case out of court. It’s unfortunate because a decision on this would have had major implications on the U.S. “justice system.” But we’re very happy for Mr. Harrington and Mr. McGhee if this settlement closed an awful chapter of their lives.


by Brian A. Wilkins
7/20/2009 (links and photos updated December 11, 2018)

Maricopa County (Phoenix, AZ) prosecutors Lynn Krabbe and Heather Wicht: pay close attention. Both of you, along with … Read Entire Article

Tucumcari (NM) Police Chief Roger Hatcher Tasers 14-Year-Old Girl In The Head

by Brian A. Wilkins
7/20/2009 (links updated November 12, 2018)

The lengths thug cops will go to in order to use their federally-mandated electrocution toys have no more new heights to reach.

Miss Kailee Martinez, a 14-year-old girl, got in a fight with her mom on July 2. Her mother, Stacy Akin, obviously wanted to send a message to the young lady, so he drove to the Tucumcari Police Department, thinking the cops could maybe scare her daughter into learning some manners and respect for not only her parents, but her other adults as well. Upon arrival at … Read Entire Article

Miami Beach Thug Cop Adam Tavss Murders 2; Gets Paid Vacation


Nobody at Operation-Nation is surprised by this, and nobody else should be either. The Miami-Dade prosecutor’s office said in a report that Tavss “likely was led to believe that his life or the lives of others were in danger.”

The video of the murder speaks for itself. But in the United Police States of America, police thugs will always be shielded from accountability for their actions. The more sickening, insult-to-injury aspect of this whole story is that Tavss was fired from the police force not for the murder, but for growing Read Entire Article

La Marque (TX) Police Thugs Murder Unarmed Jamaal Valentine

by Brian A. Wilkins

Jamaal Valentine was 27-years-old and leaves
behind two young children

How many Americans will have to die at the hands of the so-called “non-lethal” force electrocution toy cops use, known as “Tasers,” before Congress does something about it? Apparently 334 Taser-related deaths (90 percent of which involved unarmed American citizens) between 2001-2008 is not a significant enough number for this government to give a damn. So far this year, there have been 24 Taser-related deaths in the USA; part of the “we don’t really care” mantra from Congress may stem from the fact at least 50 … Read Entire Article