Day 18: “What If..”, Walter’s Paper, What It Is?

by Brian A. Wilkins
This day corresponds with Friday, August 8, 2008. If you’ve missed any previous “55 Days in Maricopa County Jail” entries, click here for a list of them in descending order. 
I just realized today is 8-8-08. I’m trying to extract something positive out of that. Court is in 3 days so I guess it would have…well, three “8’s” in 3 days? Like maybe the judge would lower the $54,000 bond to $888? Doubtful. And this just shows that the lengths I’ll go to think of something positive. I just really need to get
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Day 17: Medical, AGAIN, Calls to Prosecutor’s Office and Public Defender’s office

by Brian A. WIlkins
This day corresponds with Thursday, August 7
“Wilkins…go to medical!” they yelled through the intercom. It was no later than 7 a.m. since the doors had just opened and I had just taken a shower. What the hell do these people want with me? I did not request any medical ANYTHING, and I had no desire to deal with the charade altogether.
“Get in!” this G.I. Joe-wannabe, buzz-cut, steroid-shooting guard said. Of course I was put in one of those 15X15 tanks, and of course there were at least 12-15 coughing, sneezing, bleeding, “wigging-out because
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Day 16: Hopelessness, Heartbrokenness Sinking In

by Brian A. Wilkins
This day corresponds with Wednesday, August 6. Most of the entries will become first-person, present-tense accounts from here on out. Also keep in mind, these blog entries are not the complete story. The time spent in Maricopa County Jail was actually 58 days. There are also details reserved for the book that I’m currently working on.
I’m happy to report my guy Walter Brown, was released from jail a while back (I think on December 17) after more than six months of incarceration. He received probation and promised me and more importantly, HIMSELF,
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From Barbara Miller to Lynn Krabbe; Prosecutor Change Came At Peculiar Time

by Brian A. Wilkins


This is a tie-in to the “55 Days…” blog. If you’ve missed any entries, to view them all in descending order.

On October 1, for the first time since all this mess started, I finally had an opportunity to meet with the trial attorney (via the public defender’s office) who would be handling this case. This would also be the first time someone actually sat and listened to me, hearing the facts as to what happened the night of July 21.

Michael Ziemba, the public defender, showed me that latest plea offer … Read Entire Article

Day 15: LOCKDOWN….

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Tuesday, August 5. For the complete list of “55 Days In Maricopa County Jail” entries, click here.

I had prepared several assignments for Walter to complete today and a de-facto script as far as what I would say to that public defender if/when I got ahold of him on the phone. I had gotten to the point where I could tell what time it was in the morning by the position of these narrow beams of sunlight that made it through to the cell each morning. 6 a.m. had come … Read Entire Article

Day 14: New Students, Fried Chicken, and “shafters”

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Monday, August 4. For a complete list of all “55 Days In Maricopa County Jail” entries, click here.

When the doors opened in the morning, I realized I’d been in this place for two weeks! And I wouldn’t have a chance to get out again until court on Monday, August 11. But my confidence level in the latter was virtually nil considering the patterns of monkey-ball bull that had taken place thus far. After showering, I went to Walter’s cell and woke him up for “school.”

I was a little disappointed … Read Entire Article

Day 13: Menudo, Tweeker Pie, and Rodney’s Case

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Sunday, August 3. For a list of all 55 Days In Maricopa County Jail entries in descending order, click here.

Besides waking up for morning chow, I slept (or at least tried to sleep) for 14 straight hours. It was 1 o’clock on the afternoon when I finally got up and took a shower. A few minutes after I got back to the cell, Freddie walked in carrying an open bag of Fritos, but was using a spoon to eat the contents in the bag.

“What the hell is that?” … Read Entire Article

It’s a Little Late for Plea Bargains

by Brian A. Wilkins

This is a tie-in to the “55 Days in Maricopa County Jail” blogs.

Here is a progression of how the Tempe Police, State of Arizona and Maricopa County have played this game they so much enjoy.

7/22/08: Tempe Police charge me with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, three (3) counts of disorderly conduct, one count of possession of a firearm during a drug bust. Maximum penalty for all this stuff: 40 years in prison.

7/29/08: State of Arizona “offers” a plea, according to that public defender on the corresponding court date, of 4 months Read Entire Article

Day 12: School is in session, “hooch,” and Michael Jordan

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Saturday, August 2. I found out, after I was released on September 17, the supervening indictment, which dropped all the serious charges the Tempe Police tried to push through, was executed on Thursday, July 31. Though I should have never been abducted in the first place, I should have been released from captivity no later than Aug. 1 since I was no longer facing the malicious charges Wallace and Johnson (and Loewenhagen) tried to put through.

Of course, this did not happen. I was still being held on $54,000 bond facing Read Entire Article

Day 11: The Court Date….That Was Not

by Brian A. Wilkins

This day corresponds with Friday, August 1, 2008.

It had to be well after midnight, but the D.O.’s had yet to call via the intercom and allow me to shower for court. I pressed the button on the intercom to call them and find out what was going on. “I have court in the morning. Can I take a shower,” I asked. “You don’t have court today,” he replied. “I have the paperwork right in front of me,” I said. “I have a preliminary hearing in Mesa.”

The guard told me to hold on a … Read Entire Article