Tag Archives: Minneapolis Police

Minneapolis Police Thug Jason Andersen Acquitted In Brutality Case

by Brian A. Wilkins

ORIGINAL LINK: http://blog.operation-nation.com/2009/05/28/minneapolis-police-thug-jason-andersen-acquitted-in-brutality-case.aspx

Fong Lee

It would be refreshing to start this article with “in a surprising verdict by the jury,” but this is the United States, Mr. Lee is not of European descent, and the murderer was a thug cop.

A 12-member federal jury, which Minneapolis community leaders said were “all white,” deliberated for six hours today in the U.S. District Court in Minneapolis, to clear Minneapolis cop Jason Anderson Andersen and the City of Minneapolis of using excessive force. The city and Andersen will not pay damages to the Lee family. A Hennepin County grand … Read Entire Article