Day 25: Letter to the Prosecutor, Leonard, and Chino’s down 40 items

by Brian A. Wilkins
This day corresponds with Friday, August 15
So much for feeling semi-normal by showering everyday. The doors finally opened for the first time in a while, and I immediately darted for the shower. Commissory had come in yesterday, so I was looking forward to a fresh bar of soap and staying in that shower for at least 20 minutes. The first five minutes, though, are waiting for the water to reach a humanly-tolerable temperature (unless you’re into ice-cold showers). I had put the shampoo in my hair, which was now approaching mini-afro
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Day 24: Grievance Against Guard, S.R.T., and Many Friends “Rolled-Up”

by Brian A. Wilkins 
This day corresponds with Thursday, August 14. 
It was about 2 a.m. when the night guard was doing a round and I had finished filling out that inmate grievance form. I told her about the guard crumpling up my letters, one of which was a court motion, I had handed to him for mailing. “You’ll have to address it to the 1st shift sergeant,” she said, while handing it back to me. My mind will be more at ease if I knew those letters had been sent and not damaged beyond conveyance.
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Day 23: Letter To Mom and Judge and The Second Worst Beat-Down I’ve Seen In My Life

by Brian A. Wilkins
This day corresponds with Wednesday, August 13. 
Rodney had gotten an early morning visit from his girlfriend, so again, as the visiting rooms were right by the cell, he stopped in and woke me up. “I asked her if she would wait 10 years for me if that’s what happened,” he said, clearly down. Walter stopped in for a minute too, complaining about how people in there are always ordering him around. Rodney and I both needed a laugh and Walter never failed in that regard. Walt got a prison tattoo. There
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Day 22: Last Few Cards To Play, No Lawyer, and Hardy “rolled-up”

by Brian A. Wilkins
This day corresponds with Tuesday, August 12.
I was only awake for three hours today, and not much went on. A guy, who will have to remain anonymous, came into the cell and woke me up around 2pm. “Hey, you know how you like to sleep?” he asked me. I looked at him like he was crazy since I had no idea where he was going with that. “I got some ‘somas’. 3 items for each pill,” he said. I’m not sure exactly what brand, but they were definitely sleeping pills, given to him by
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Sheriff Joe Arpaio & Israelis Have Much In Common

by Brian A. Wilkins

WIth the Americo-British colony known as Israel murdering defenseless Palestinians with their U.S.-British-supplied military arsenal as we speak, many hopefuls for the 18th Jewish Congress (known as Knesset) are earning brownie points with voters by murdering the perceive enemy.

With their February 10th elections fast approaching, political pandering and posturing, along with a genocidal conscience, have plagued that tiny area of the globe with so much worldwide influence. Ironically, the Palestine/Israel Peninsula if you will, has about the same area (give or take 500 square miles) as Joe Arpaio’s Maricopa County.

To preface this … Read Entire Article

Friend: “You paid nobody, so you’ll be convicted”

by Brian A. Wilkins
This is a tie-in to the “55 Days..” blogs.
I was hanging out with a couple guys the other night and of course, at some point, my f-ed up life becomes the topic of conversation. I hadn’t seen one of the guys in a few years, and had to catch him up with what was going on. I told him how I eventually got out of jail after 55 days because the bond amount was ultimately lowered from $54,000 to $0 on Sept. 16. By being released from jail and not posting the large bond,
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Day 21: More Court, More Bullsh*t

by Brian A. Wilkins
This day corresponds to Monday, August 11, 2008. 
The day started off pretty bad, as you can imagine, since you’ve already been told about these court dates, as far as the process of actually getting there from jail. The kicker this time was what the person I was handcuffed and shackled too had long hair, make-up, boob implants, and a round, dude-looking face that needed to be shaved. He was Navajo and scary, cause he didn’t say a word until we were getting off the bus upon arrival at the 4th Avenue
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Mychal Bell Suicide Attempt: He’s Going Through Difficult Time

by Brian A. Wilkins


CNN, the perceived “mainstream” standard in journalism, called Mr. Bell “Jena 6 Figure” instead of humanizing the young man. FOXNews played the “black athlete” card, trying to make Mr. Bell’s story out to be the typical Euro-media, “Black Athlete Rises From The Ghetto” story. Both, however, barely acknowledge the fact this young man had to spend 10 months in a Confederate prison, which likely scarred him mentally and physically, for life, because of inbred prosecutors and Confederate law practices. If I think “55 Days In Maricopa County Jail” was bad,

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Day 20: Interesting Twist and Anxious for Court Tommorow

by Brian A. Wilkins
This day corresponds to Sunday, August 10. 
Today is a sad day indeed, but then again this IS jail…what day isn’t sad? Though I go to court in a little over 24 hours, I found out today “Anne” is very likely not getting my letters. Train told me a return address had to be put on the envelope in order for them to send it out. How the hell am I supposed to know a return address here? In other words, she probably has no idea what is going on and we
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Day 19: Letter to the Judge and Victor’s Advice

by Brian A. Wilkins
This day corresponds with Saturday, August 9.
Realizing this was the third Saturday I’d been in this place, I didn’t want to get out of that bunk and interact with anyone. Of course Chino would always come in begging for food and what not. While we were playing a few games of mock Texas Hold ‘Um and eating pork rinds, he told me I should write a letter to the judge and give it to him/her on Monday. “Dude especially since you’ve not been able to talk to anyone at all yet,” he said. I
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