Category Archives: U.S. and World News

MY FELLOW AMERICANS: Vote “Yes” on abolishing Affirmative Action in November

by Brian A. Wilkins

Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and my current state of residence, Arizona will give citizens opportunity to strike down preferential treatment laws based on race and gender. Affirmative Action only masks the real problem in America.

Here’s a scenario:

22-year-old Amy just graduated from Arizona State University with a degree in engineering. She applied for a job at one of the largest computer software makers in the United States. She had several internships throughout her four years in college and is currently working part-time for a major internet service provider. She graduated with honors Read Entire Article

United States continues harboring, aiding, and abetting radical Christian terrorists


Latest episode in South Carolina where radical Christian terrorists sell merchandise supporting their group. Radical terror group known as “the KKK” primarily targets “African Americans.” United States would never allow an al-Qaeda or Hamas gift shop because they target American and British white boys.

Inbred American, radical, Christian, European-descendant terrorists continue to enjoy the full protection of U.S. law enforcement, this time in South Carolina. The United States and the Bush-league, continue preaching to the world that terrorism is evil; terrorism is a threat to civilization; radical terrorism hit us on 9/11 (which is up Read Entire Article

Continual “lynching” comments and coverage of noose incidents by Euro-American Media show its desire to return to pre-1964 conditions

by Brian A. Wilkins

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly the latest of many prominent Euro-American media pundits who deliberately stir terrorist emotions in vulnerable Americans. Defense plan must be discussed and implemented by Nubian Americans. “Hate Crimes” are precursor to terrorism.

Let’s see how many specific incidents we can come up with from the past 12 months: Euro-American boys at Jena, LA high school are slapped on the wrist for hanging nooses on a tree (the “black” young men who retaliated were arrested and imprisoned); the Golf Channel thug and her lynching of Tiger Woods comments (a man who … Read Entire Article