Category Archives: U.S. and World News

PETA AWOL Again When Cops Kill Dogs

UPDATED July 11, 2012: Arizona DPS cop leave dog in 140 degree car for an hour

Maybe cooked dog is a delicacy for police thugs in Arizona. This seems to happen a lot. Here is the story from ABC-15.


UPDATED 5/18/2009: Florence, AZ Cops Kill K9 “Partner.”

What is with Arizona cops killing dogs? Tempe cops simply shoot them (see below), while Chandler and Florence cops leave them in cars “accidentally” on 105-plus degree days. The latest one happened over the weekend. The deafening silence from PETA as a result of this “tragic dog killing” is/was fully expected.


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by Brian A. Wilkins

There seems to be this perception that I, and most other Nubian American men, look at all police officers the same. We hate them all. We look at them all, in general, as thugs, terrorists, racist whiteboys, and house negroes. I cannot think of anything more false than that premise. In fact, when I was in high school, my friend Ross and I always dreamed about being “crime fighters” (police officers) in the daytime and working at a video store at night, so we could always watch as many movies as we wanted to for
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Winnfield, Louisiana Terrorist Scott Nugent Trial Set for July 13

UPDATED 10/29/2010: Inbred Cop Scott Nugent Acquitted Of All Charges

UPDATED 10/16/2010: Winn Parish D.A. Desperately Trying For All-“White” Jury

Confederate justice is well underway in the “manslaughter” trial of Winnfield, Louisiana killer cop Scott Nugent, which jury selection started this past Monday. District Attorney R. Christopher Nevils filed a motion to change the venue of the trial, wanting to move it to the “whitest” jurisdiction possible. Nevils wrote that all potential “black” jurors are “tainted” because of pre-trial publicity of the January 17, 2008 cold-blooded murder (Note: link is now defunct).

The motion also asks the Court to Read Entire Article

Dymond Milburn Assault By Police Ignored by Euro-American Media

by Brian A. Wilkins
2/1/2009 (links and photos updated December 9, 2018)

UPDATED February 10, 2009

After a SECOND mistrial, Dymond Larae Milburn, now 15, will no longer face charges of assaulting Galveston, TX police officers. The whole case was ridiculous to begin with and once again, the thug cops will get off without facing any criminal charges. The only justice young Dymond may get will be in civil court. All I know is that if I had a daughter and thug cops or any other thugs that attacked her that way, all of them would have … Read Entire Article

New RNC Chairman Michael Steele is GOP’s Next Sarah Palin

UPDATED 3/3/2009
Act II of the Michael Steele puppet show has moved him past Sarah Palin as the GOP’s ultimate puppet. 

So I thought the “hip-hop makeover” comment Steele made a couple weeks ago was embarrassing. Now Steele is cowering to the Limbaugh character who is apparently, as a radio talk show host, more respected by the GOP than their elected chairman. The irony in all this is the fact Steele’s puppet comments were made on CNN’s puppet news show, “D.L. Hughley Breaks The News” this past weekend. Steele first said Limbaugh is “an entertainer” and that some of his Read Entire Article

Death Penalty Immediately For Johannes Mehserle

UPDATED 3/3/2009: Oscar Grant’s Family Files $50 million Federal Lawsuit vs. Bay Area Transit, Terrorist Johannes Mehserle, et al.

The Bay Area Transit authority apparently let the 45 day window expire that they are afforded by law to pay the original $25 million notice of claim served on them by the Grant’s in January. The Grant’s should not settle for a penny less than the full $50 million. Thug cops and the cities that house them obviously need to see (and lose) a precedent setting, potentially bankrupting lawsuit like this to stop all the nationwide murders and malicious arrests which Read Entire Article

Homosexuals in Senegal Get Maximum Sentence, Reality Check

by Brian A. Wilkins (dead links updated 2018)

In light of all the California Proposition 8 backlash, complete with gay goons harassing donors who supported the Constitutional ban, recent arrests in Senegal are garnering more Euro-American media attention than normal. It was less than a year ago when several men were arrested in the predominately Muslim, West African country for criminal homosexual acts. The incident barely registered in U.S. media then. But this week, when nine men were sentenced to eight years in prison for violating Senegal’s criminal homosexual codes, it promptly made its viral way
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Sheriff Joe Arpaio & Israelis Have Much In Common

by Brian A. Wilkins

WIth the Americo-British colony known as Israel murdering defenseless Palestinians with their U.S.-British-supplied military arsenal as we speak, many hopefuls for the 18th Jewish Congress (known as Knesset) are earning brownie points with voters by murdering the perceive enemy.

With their February 10th elections fast approaching, political pandering and posturing, along with a genocidal conscience, have plagued that tiny area of the globe with so much worldwide influence. Ironically, the Palestine/Israel Peninsula if you will, has about the same area (give or take 500 square miles) as Joe Arpaio’s Maricopa County.

To preface this … Read Entire Article

Michael Vick media lynching and white people’s obsession with dogs

by Brian A. Wilkins
November 23, 2008 (links and photos updated September 23, 2019)

U.S. cops cooked their dogs to death in hot cars constantly. But they are after-thoughts to Euro-American media. Mr. Vick remains the prime target. This is divine entertainment for Surry County, Virginia “authorities” and white Americans in general.

SURRY, VA — Surry County Attorney Gerald Poindexter and Circuit Court Judge Sam Campbell are lonely individuals. They need attention during the holiday season. That’s why they are forcing Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick to fly 2,300-plus miles round-trip to say ONE word: “guilty.”


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U.S. White Chick Justice Should Prevail in Lakeland, Florida (Mulberry High School) Beating Case

UPDATED July 2, 2009: Mercades Nichols violates probation, sent to jail

She apparently stole her grandmother’s car and drove it through the neighbor’s lawn just to make them mad. This is what happens when white thugs get white justice. They become lifelong criminals. But it is what it is.

UPDATED March 20, 2009: Brittini Hardcastle gets 15 days in jail.

She was the primary attacker in the video. Kayla Hassall received one year of juvenile probation. Charges were dropped against Cara Murphy, Zachary Ashley, and Stephen Schumaker.

UPDATED March 6, 2009: Mayes, Nichols sentenced

Britney Mayes was sentenced to probation Read Entire Article