Category Archives: U.S. and World News

VIDEO: 3 Pittsburgh Cops Killed by Richard Poplawski

UPDATED 4/5/2009 9:12 a.m. PST
I doubt this matter to Euro-American media either, as this story is already yesterday’s news. The hip-hop influence on impressionable “blacks,” and the Fox News/Limbaugh influence on impressionable “white.” Which is worse? I’d say the latter, as they own and dominate media. Operation Nation predicts no large nationwide funeral for the Pittsburgh cops killed, as there was in Oakland, and no Wikipedia page will be created about Poplawski either. And if there is, he will be made out to be a “troubled young man” and that
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Leroy Barnes Murdered By Pasadena (CA) Police Thugs

by Brian A. Wilkins
4/1/2009 (links and photos updated September 4, 2019)

Mr. Leroy Barnes Jr., 38, is survived by two daughters.

PASADENA — Mr. Leroy Barnes was riding along in the backseat of his friend, Emeka Edwards’, car near Mentone Street and Washington Boulevard on February 19. Pasadena Police said they pulled the car over because Barnes, 38, “looked like a gang member.” From this point, Pasadena Police thugs have changed their story several times. First, they said Barnes fired shots at them first, forcing them to respond with a barrage of bullets, killing the

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Unarmed Kirmon Warren Shot and Tasered by Mississippi Police Thugs

by Brian A. Wilkins 


30-year-old Kirmon Warren and a female friend were taking the 2 1/2 hour drive from their hometown of Slidell, LA to Mendenhall, MS, to visit Warren’s mother on March 5. Mr. Warren stopped in Poplarville, MS to refuel his car. He ran into a Confederate “driving-while-black” roadblock, a common practice in the Confederacy. Though Mr. Warren followed every order the radical Poplarville Police barked at him, the inbred thugs claimed he was “resisting,” Tasered him, and shot him twice in the back. Mr. Warren still had his seat belt on during the attack. Amazingly,
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Dallas Cop Robert Powell Fake Apology To Ryan Moats

UPDATED September 24, 2009: Powell hired by Stratford, TX Police Department

White racist thug cops will always have endless opportunities in this country. All bad karma that comes the way of Powell is deserved.


We’re not stupid. Punk Powell was given the option of either being fired or resigning. The final straw was likely the proactive bloggers who took snapshots of this little punk’s Myspace and Xanga blog. He stated, “I can now kill people legally” after becoming a cop in 2006. This kind of monkey behavior happens everyday with thug … Read Entire Article

Derek Copp: Grand Valley State student shot by cops for smoking weed

by Brian A. Wilkins
3/28/2009 (links and photos updates November 23, 2018)


Mr. Derek Copp and his roommate were studying, and minding their own business in their apartment just south of Grand Valley State University in Allendale, MI, On March 11. Ottawa County, Michigan police thugs, known in the area as the “West Michigan Enforcement Team” (WEMET), entered Derek’s apartment around 9pm that night. The thugs had obtained a search warrant to look for narcotics. The shooter shined a bright flashlight into Derek’s eyes, which naturally made him try and cover his eyes with his wrist from

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San Francisco Chronicle, Wikipedia, Oakland PD Convict Mixon of Rape

by Brian A. Wilkins


Lovelle Mixon

OAKLAND – – San Francisco Chronicle reporter Jaxon Van Derbeken headlined his March 25 article “Cop Killer Suspected of Raping 12-year-old.” Derbeken said Lovelle Mixon, the 26-year-old man who killed four Oakland cops and injured another, “dragged the 12-year-old off the street at gunpoint.” Mixon committed five other rapes as well, according to Derbeken. His source is the Oakland Police Department, which is desperately trying to create the motive “Mixon killed cops because he’s a child rapist.”

The Oakland PD released the alleged DNA evidence after Mixon killed the

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Oakland Police Department: A Criminal Cesspool of Thugs


UPDATED 10/22/2009:

The family of Mr. Gary King, Jr. settled a federal lawsuit against the city for $1.5 million last month. Oakland cop Pat Gonzales killed Mr. King in 2007.

Charles Davis, Jr. also settled his federal lawsuit against the city for $1.2 million two weeks ago. He was shot in the back and left paraplegic by Oakland Police thug Hector Chavez in 2007.

UPDATED 6/3/2009:

The posthumous slandering of Lovelle Mixon continues in state-run media. Meanwhile we found the inevitable truth about two more of these dead cops Mixon killed. John Hege was listed in a 1995 Citizens Read Entire Article

Peoria, Illinois Police Thugs Arrested, Charged With Brutality

by Brian A. Wilkins
3/23/2009 (links and photos updated January 6, 2020)

UPDATED November 12, 2010 – Smith acquitted, charges dropped against the other two cops

No surprises here. It’s the United Police States of America after all. A third cop, Jeremy Layman, was also charged in the incident. Smith was acquitted last week by a jury. State’s attorney Kevin Lyons dropped the charges against the other two after the acquittal. All of them will soon be back on the force with a paid vacation, aka “paid administrative leave.” The vacation will span months as Peoria Police complete … Read Entire Article

15-year-old Tasered to Death by Bay City, Michigan cops

UPDATED 3/24/2009 12:38 a.m. PST

Family and friends of “Dewey” Elder are saying they should “go after” the police (as in pushing for criminal charges on the thug police and also civil charges). Yes, you definitely should. Fair warning to the family: you have to expect the police will get away with this criminally. If a court precedent is set by finding this Bay City police thug guilty of murder, which essentially criminalizes cops who Taser anyone to death, that would be the CORRECT and RIGHT thing to do…therefore, this U.S. Justice System will not do that.

Taser International is … Read Entire Article

Lovelle Mixon, Four Dead Oakland Cops, and U.S. Society

NEW VIDEO: UPDATED 3/28/2009 8:03pm PST

by Brian A. Wilkins
3/23/2009  (links updated December 18, 2018)


Lovelle Mixon

OAKLAND – – The divide as it relates to race relations in the USA just got a little wider. 

The African American forum on asked what people thought of 26-year-old Lovelle Mixon. The Oakland man shot and killed four cops with an AK-47 yesterday near 74th Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard in Oakland. 33 people have responded to the post (as of publishing time). Twenty of them (60 percent) called Mixon a warrior. Eight respondents (24 percent) called him Read Entire Article