Category Archives: U.S. and World News

Unarmed Marcus Smith Murdered By Inglewood (CA) Police Thugs

by Brian A. Wilkins
5/25/2009 (links, photos, and videos updated December 16, 2018)

Here is a summary of all the recent thug activity in the so-called Inglewood “police department” in case you are not current:

Michael Byoune, 19, was murdered on May 11, 2008 by Inglewood police thugs after they said Mr. Byoune was “gang affiliated” and “fired at them first.” No weapons were found in Mr. Byoune’s possession.

Ruben Walton Ortega, 23, was murdered on July 1, 2008, by Inglewood police thugs. The cops again said that Ortega was “a gang member,” and was “reaching … Read Entire Article

King County Thug Cop Matthew Paul Attacks Innocent Man, Leaves Him In A Coma

by Brian A. Wilkins

UPDATED DECEMBER 11, 2015: Christopher Harris has died.

Mr. Harris lived for six more years after King County Police thug Matthew Paul completely chimped out on him. But he never spoke or walked again after the incident. Our thoughts are with the Harris family.


SEATTLE — The picture above speaks more than a thousand words. Twice in the past two months, the King County (Washington) Sheriff’s Office has made national news because of thug cop behavior. First in March, it was thug deputy Paul Schene inexcusably attacking 15-year-old Malika Calhoun. And Read Entire Article

Ryan Leaf Indicted (PDF); Hiding In Canada?

UPDATED December 4, 2014 – Leaf released from prison.

He served a total of 32 months behind bars.


Apparently this warrant was issued on the same day as the indictment. Leaf is obviously hiding in Canada somewhere. I’d guess a remote area like the Yukon Territories. He should have enough money to just disappear. But Leaf is obviously not very bright, considering the nature of these charges. Meanwhile ESPN is reporting the other former NFL quarterback with legal issues, Michael Vick, had a bowl of Apple Jacks this morning and brushed his Read Entire Article

Fox News’ Glenn Beck Embarrasses, Discredits Himself Twice In 24 Hours

by Brian A. Wilkins
5/21/2009 (videos updated December 16, 2018)

My question to Glenn Beck is this: why even bother going on ABC’s “The View” if you “knew it was coming” yet still had no intelligent responses to any of the questions and accusations? It’s best you just watch it for yourself.

Later that day, Beck, back in the friendly confines of Fox News, had plenty to say once he could talk behind the backs of Whoopi Goldberg, Barbara Walters, et al. Beck actually skipped his own show that night, claiming he had “24 hour swine flu” but … Read Entire Article

Gay Is The New Jew, Not The New Black

by Brian A. Wilkins
5/21/2009 (links and photos updated December 10, 2018)


“I know your afflictions and your poverty–yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.” Revelation 2:9

Man-on-man marriage, the most recent in several European-cultural movements throughout their history, has become what may lead to another European-created “race” and possibly another colony, along the same lines as Israel.

Homosexuals in the United States have carved out a power niche, comparable to that of their Euro-Jewish counterparts in Read Entire Article

Preliminary Hearing For Terrorist Johannes Mehserle Under Way

UPDATED 6/5/2009: Mehserle Will Face Murder Charge At Trial

Now his sidekick, Tony Pirone, the other thug cop involved needs to be indicted for perjury, since he lied repeatedly on the stand under oath. There is a good chance terrorist Mehserle will try and flee the country, which is why he needs to be put on some sort of ankle monitoring system immediately. The domestic terorist will be arraigned for murder on June 18. Meanwhile, Euro-American cop lovers are still crying innocence for the terrorist. Just read the message boards.

UPDATED 6/4/2009: BART Thug Pirone Admits Oscar Grant Posed

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CBS Sports Tries, Fails To Bully Operation-Nation over Bob Wenzel video

by Brian A. Wilkins
5/17/2009 (links and photos updated January 30, 2019)

This all started when Operation-Nation published this video, entitled “Bob Wenzel Insults ‘Africans’ During NCAA Tournament” on Youtube on April 7, 2009. I wrote about this game, and Wenzel’s comments, the day it happened as well.)

A day later,  I received this email from Youtube:

Dear dabeesta17,

This is to notify you that we have removed access to your video, CBS’s Bob Wenzel Insults “Africans” During NCAA Tournament, as a result of a notification by CBS claiming that this material is infringing.
Please Note: Accounts

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Recession, Retaliation Fueling Recent Cop Killing Trends In USA

by Brian A. Wilkins
5/15/2009 (links, photos, and videos updated December 8, 2018)

Three men, in a span of about five weeks, combined to kill nine cops and injure another. Joshua Cartwright, above, was a member of the U.S. Army reserves when he shot and killed two Okaloosa County (Florida) deputies after they Tasered him on April 25.

Lovelle Mixon shot five Oakland cops, killing four, after they tried to arrest him on March 21.

Richard Poplawski shot and killed three Pittsburgh (PA) cops after they tried to arrest him on April 4. Poplawski is the only … Read Entire Article

Liberty City Seven: U.S. Justice System Convicts Men Entrapped by FBI

by Brian A. Wilkins
5/14/2009 (links and photos updated September 3, 2019)

Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly can say on his radio show, “if al-Qaeda wants to blow up San Francisco, go right ahead.” Texas governor Rick Perry can say “we (Texas) may secede from the union.” Euro-American male police can murder unarmed men and receive “quasi-judicial immunity” from any sort of liability, after of course, getting a paid vacation (paid administrative leave). GOP leader Rush Limbaugh can get caught several times with illegal drugs, and not get sent to prison.

The point … Read Entire Article