Category Archives: U.S. and World News

Police State: The Militarization Of The Police Force In The USA


This video mixes humor and cold-hard facts to illustrate how police in the United States have slowly transformed from our friendly neighborhood helpers, to cyborg-like, military henchmen. We have the nerve to call North Korea and Cuba “police states.” The fact that
every email you write and every phone call you make can and will be intercepted by federal and state officials; along with your picture being taken by random cameras now popping up more frequently than dandelions in an Iowa summer; and what you’re about to see in this video; welcome to the United Police States of America.(by Entire Article

Fox News House Negroes Obey Master; Bash President Obama, Henry Louis Gates

by Brian A. Wilkins
7/26/2009 (links updated November 28, 2018)

Juan WilliamsJesse Lee Peterson
House Negroes Juan Williams (L) and Jesse Lee Peterson (R).

First, being a “black Republican” or “black conservative” does not, by itself, make you a bonafide house negro. Colin Powell, J.C. Watts, Michael Steele (to a certain extent), and Amy Holmes are all decent black people, but decent Americans. You can’t say that about the black people featured on Murdoch television.

Fox News House Negro Supreme Juan Williams spoke about the arrest of Harvard’s Henry Louis Gates and President Barack Obama’s reaction. You laugh because Williams is such … Read Entire Article

Three Men Brutally Attacked By Philadelphia Police Thugs Acquitted Of All Charges

by Brian A. Wilkins
7/26/2009 (links and photos updated August 14, 2019)

PHILADELPHIA, PA — The brutal attack Mr. Brian Hall, Mr. Pete Hopkins, and Mr. Dwayne Dyches endured on May 5, 2008, at the hands of Philadelphia police thugs, was only the beginning of a 13-month blatant deprivation of their alleged rights to life and liberty in the United Police States of America. For those who haven’t seen this disgusting display of feral cops acting like wild animals, here’s the raw video.

To add serious insult to obvious injury, all three men were subsequently charged with attempted … Read Entire Article

Timothy Taylor (AKA Wise Intelligent) Arrested For DWB

by Brian A. Wilkins
7/25/2009 (links, photos and videos updated February 21, 2020)

Some things are destined to change. Others remain the same indefinitely. Rap and Hip-Hop have changed significantly since the late 80s. It grew from fringe genre to worldwide phenomenon. Boogie Down Productions, X-Clan, Brand Nubian, Public Enemy, MC Trouble, and yes, the Poor Righteous Teachers, with lead MC, Wise Intelligent, were motivational speakers and teachers for black kids. They spoke their lessons over funky, groovy beats.


Nowadays, hip-hop is a self-destructive, criminal reinforcement, misogynistic genre of garbage. It brainwashes young Nubians (“blacks”) into believing … Read Entire Article

Lawsuit: Bean Station (TN) Police Thugs Andrew Dossett, Ben Dossett Recklessly Attack Woman

UPDATED January 30, 2015: Andy Dossett promoted to Jefferson City Chief of Police.

The Jefferson City municipal website makes no mention of Dossett’s employment with Bean Station police.

UPDATED August 10, 2012: Stipulated dismissal of Ms. Carpenter’s lawsuit.

That means it settled out of court. Read PDF here.

UPDATED February 9, 2012: Andy Dossett now works for Jefferson City (TN) Police.

UPDATE November 30, 2010: Andy Dossett quietly resigns as Bean Station police chief.

There was absolutely zero media coverage of Dossett’s “resignation.”


by Brian A. Wilkins
7/23/2009 (links and photos updated September 12, 2019Read Entire Article

Blue Ash (OH) Police Thugs Shoot, Taser, Kill A Family’s Chihuahua

by Brian A. Wilkins
7/23/2009 (links and photos updated February 21, 2020)

BLUE ASH, OH — We’ve covered several incidents of dogs being killed by police via cooking them in hot cars or just flat out shooting them. Euro-American media place dogs on the same level of importance as human life. This is demonstrated by their continual demonization of former Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick. But the outrage is already tempered when police thugs kill a five-pound dog because their “life was in danger.”

Scott and Sharon Bullock returned home from a funeral on June 5. Blood was … Read Entire Article

Former Perry Township (OH) Police Chief Timothy Escola Protected and “Serviced” By Female Subordinate

by Brian A. Wilkins
7/22/2009 (links and photos updated January 6, 2019)

Well you can come up all kinds of catch-phrases for this one: Janine “cops a feel” is the best one I can come up with off the top of my head.

Former Perry Township (OH) Police Chief Timothy Escola (L) and former
part-time Perry Township Officer Janine England (R).

The incident took place on June 2, when then-Perry Township (Ohio) Police Chief Timothy Escola and a subordinate female, part-time officer, Janine England, were transporting a man suspected of burglary in their police cruiser. What happened during … Read Entire Article

Jacksonville (FL) Thug Cops J.C. Nobles and T.L. Terrell Electrocute, Murder Kiko Battle

by Brian A. Wilkins
7/22/2009 (links and photos updated April 24, 2019)

We have DWB (Driving While Black), SWB (Standing While Black), and now WWB (Walking While Black), the crime Mr. Kiko Battle allegedly committed on June 15.

Mr. Battle and a friend were walking down the street minding their own business. Two Jacksonville police thugs, J.C. Nobles and T.L. Terrell, for no other reason but to harass Mr. Battle, walked up to him and began asking a bunch of questions. Understandably, Mr. Battle went in defense mode, arguing with the police thugs, as they had absolutely no … Read Entire Article

Le Sueur County (MN) Police Thug Todd Waldron Murders Unarmed Man

UPDATED November 8, 2009: Thug Waldron Back To Work

Only in America can murderers get right back into the same job they had before killing someone without repercussions. Just ask Waldron’s fellow killer cop Dan Lovelace of the Pinal County (AZ) Sheriff’s Office. Le Sueur County Sheriff Dave Glisinski said “it’s great to have [Waldron] back. He’s a professional investigator and a key to the force.” Residents of Le Sueur County, with the sheriff praising murderers, should arm themselves immediately and be ready to defend yourselves from terrorists in badges at all time. The sheriff has given his blind approval Read Entire Article

Cambridge (MA) Thug Cop James Crowley Arrests Harvard’s Henry Louis Gates

by Brian A. Wilkins


Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates.

UPDATED July 31, 2009: Obama completely sells out in disgraceful fashion


UPDATED 7/22/2009; 6:00 P.M. PST


Couldn’t have said it better myself Mr. President. Though I’ll simply have to trust you on the AIG and GM bailouts, in that they were “necessary” as you say (since I completely disagree with both), you are right on about this douche-cop from Cambridge.

Douche, thug cop, James Crowley, said he will not apologize for his buffoonery.

———–Original story———

Ok, we all know that you can … Read Entire Article